Do you follow a low carb diet? Introduce yourself here!

Ok Everyone! I have a special request that is of special interest to me! I have an Uncle who died a horrible death as a result of complications of diabetes. I have often contemplated the plight of the elderly, single individuals, especially male who do not know a lot of cooking techniques, amid the confusion circulating around the idea of a healthy diet for a diabetic.
We have a member of this group who fits these needs. And we have the resources to really make a difference. I am going to start a Discussion and I would like us all to add ideas to this discussion of simple foods that are easy to prepare (please explain the techniques on this forum) and easy to grab ideas from the supermarket for “A Single Man”… All You ladies understand the situation. So let’s pull together and give him a hand. Thanks ahead of Time for your help!

Please Don’t think that because you are eating Low Carb you are on a Weight Loss Diet. It is one of the Pleasant Side affects. However as Diabetics it is the answer to keeping our Blood Sugar Low!
I found this site yesterday and placed an order. I was pleased with the selection and the prices are pretty good as well. They also sell ground nut meal. I’ll let you know about the quality of their product when it gets here!

Check this out… I love Cottage cheese. I always eat it with salt/pepper and a couple dill pickles on the side. But there are some really good ideas here!

Hey THIS IS GREAT! I was getting so bored with food. I was calling my food regimen-a monk’s regimen. It uses up vital brain power for me to measure, calculate, log and dose. MERCI por les IDEAS!

I am so glad you found us Sweets! I find that low carbing gets better ever day. It’s just a question of re-figuring of way of thinking. My husband got so tired of watching me eat all my “diabetic stuff” that I started making enough for him as well. When I think the kids will enjoy I make enough for the whole family. He ate “regular” for about 3 weeks during the holidays and realized he wasn’t feeling as well as he had been while eating “that diabetic food” so officially ask me if he could do it full time. Imagine that, choosing to eat this way because it tastes better and you feel better! Point made with a non diabetic!!!

I remember only the Soup had Cabbage and Tomato Juice ( large can ) and salt free broth either Beef or Chicken. What veggies it had were the free type. Today I guess it would be considered Low Carb.

I am so excited about all the WONDERFUL recipes that you all have posted here!
Thanks for pulling together and enhancing the low carb life style for all of us. It is a REAL BIG help in the control of Diabetes! You are ALL FABULOUS!

Debra, I make mine in the slow cooker, but you could cook it in a saucepan if you prefer.
Tomato Sauce
2 cans chopped tomatoes
I roughly chopped carrot (optional)
I onion (roughly chopped)
1 chilli if liked
2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
Seasoning to taste
I cook this until the sauce is reduced, then I add some oregano leaves and either put it in a liquidiser or use my wand on it to make a nice, smooth flavourful sauce.
I freeze what I am not using straight away for another occasion.

Sunny, here are two simple pizza sauce recipes.

Tomato Pizza Sauce
1 pound tomatoes or tomatillos
1 tbsp olive oil
1 packet sugar free sweetener (optional)
Italian seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper to taste
Puree the tomatoes in a blender or food processor. Mix everything in a bowl. If desired, you may cook to thicken.

Ricotta Sauce
1 container ricotta cheese
2 eggs
1/4-1/2 cup cream or half and half or milk
salt and pepper to taste
dash Italian seasoning
Mix everything in a bowl. Since you are going to cook your pizza, you don’t have to worry about cooking the eggs.

Hey Sunny - my favourite pizza sauce is garlic and olive oil mixed together and smeared over the pizza. Goes fab with my favourite topping of shrimp, bacon and artichoke. Definitely one for garlic-lovers!

Welcome all the New Members! Jump right in and get your feet wet, the water is warm!!! I hope you all find lots of wonderful recipes, they are piling up!

I posted a low carb pizza recipe I’m still tweaking it & wanted to share.

First of all I want to welcome all the new members of our Group. We are a very productive, informative group of individuals who choose to control our diabetes rather than let our diabetes control us! This in itself is a major reason to Congratulate each and every one of you. I have some new recipes that I will be posting soon and I want to spend some time looking over all the new posts that have been added recently. I want to say that I have had a couple challenges that I have had to work through, that have gotten my thought process going. #1 I had surgery recently and I realized that I was not going to get a “low carb meal” in the hospital. Well, I planned ahead and brought some things with me that I could eat once I was allowed to. I also had an emergency whereby I had to leave on a moments notice to FL. Of course I had no food for the trip except cheese sticks and diet sodas. REALLY healthy! Then when I got there (to my Mother’s house) I also found little to eat. Now keep in mind that I have a diabetic Aunt who lives right across the street. But of course she follows ADA guide lines so they just couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t eat the same foods that Aunt Jan was eating (ex. Hamburger with bun and French Fry’s) needless to say I managed. But because we were back and forth from the hospital (my Father was dying) there was little time to cook or shop. So I guess what I am saying here is that we need to plan an emergency plan of things that we can A. either take with us. or B. Some other ideas that are within the levels of our health needs. Stress in itself will raise blood sugar much less adding a bunch of carbs because that’s all that’s really available. As far as defending to other diabetics who choose other methods, I have blood sugar readings more often than not in the 80’s, (now keep in mind this is in conjunction with 2000 ML Metformin and Onglyza.) But what I am doing is working for me and I WON’T defend it to ANYONE, If someone else chooses to believe something different than I do that is their business. But I won’t fix something that’s not broken. And besides the evidence is right there, plain as day. I have had an expression that I have used for years " Your ignorance is not my problem." Anyway sorry about the rambling. But I am going to start a separate discussion for emergency menus/on the run food/ and hospital ideas.
I hope it helps. I know I could use some more ideas myself. Oh before I forget, Cracker Barrel does have a low carb menu.
Blessings to you all!

I just want to announce that I had my A1c done yesterday and it was
5.6!!! I am just thrilled… I have done this with oral meds and diet alone.
I started with a 9.6 or 9.8 (I don’t remember exactly which one). And that was only 10 months ago. We can all do this!

Hoppy Easter!

Mediterranean stuffed swordfish:
my favorite part about this dish is the spinach filling!!! It has so much flavor and it is so versitile. When I made it, I chose to add garlic, shallots, artichokes and capers!! I always make extra and use it for stuffing chicken, pork, omelettes, and even to top a flatbread white pizza. Just drizzle olive oil and italian seasoning over the flatbread or pita and top with cheese of choice (i also add bacon)…

Great A1C Debra!! Low carb eating works, and these recipes show you don’t have to feel deprived. Thanks for starting this group and contributing so many good cooking ideas. One of my favorites is the Rotel Soup

Thank You BadMoon T2, I am glad you are enjoying the group and that you love the Rotel Soup! It is our favorite as well. I am looking for ways to use this flavor in other recipes. I think it a modified version would be great as an enchilada sauce. And I also think it would add a kick to Chili RELLENOS. So I am working on a Rotel “Sauce”. Have a Great Week!

Hey there! Thought I would drop a couple of links you may find useful…

Thanks for this list, Debbie. I recently read Gary Taube’s book, “Why We Get Fat” and am now eating a no carb diet. I am type 1, with an insulin pump, and my numbers are like yours…80s and 90s. I have also lost 9 pounds in two weeks. The book is NOT a diet book, but rather gathers together research from as far back as the 1700s to current to dispel the age-old myth of “calories-in/calories-out/exercise” to lose weight. I really enjoyed this book, as it FINALLY told me WHY I am over-weight and how to combat it. The side effect is lower BG readings. But recipes are a problem. I need NO carb recipes…do you have any of those on here?