A Grateful Path

I would like to recommend a book I picked up at The Diabetes Store at my foot doctors. I don’t know how many of these type stores there are but they have so many great products. I’m sure it can be found online. I found this book “A Grateful Path” by Marci. It’s published by Blue Mountain Arts. It’s a quick read and so insightful and encouraging not only for diabetics but everyone.

i will look into this book. thank you for the recommendation!

Thanks for the reply. I have so many books I want to read. I’m having difficulty making time. I’m learning how to prioritize everything I need and want to do with the help of my wonderful therapist. This “thing” called diabetes has to be a top priority, but I still have other responsibilities, wants and needs. I thank God that I have come to realize I need outside help too. I always start and end my day being thankful and happy. Everything in between whether good or bad is “life”. Take care.