
I was wondering if there was any actors that are type 1?


if anybody played any games like second life or did anything like role playing.

Just curious because i usually can’t get interested in “playing another person” unless it’s close to who i am, for example second life gives you a chance to be a “better” you by changing the look of your avatar and saying whatever you want about yourself to others. It sounds fun for a like a second and then it gets boring, to me. i don’t like to pretend to be something i’m not. I’m not skinny, blond, and beautiful. Plus i have diabetes and that can define alot of things that i do. Now if its just a video game, then i don’t care.

i go onto second life every so often, but i hate the program it freezes all the time.

I believe Halle Berry has T1, but in 2007 she claimed that she “weaned” herself off of insulin and is insulin free through healthy eating and exercise alone. ??? I dunno.
Nick Jonas from the Jonas Brothers is T1
Mary Tyler Moore