Allergic to ALL INSULIN

Dark chocolate (the 70 or 80% type can be a great treat). Whipped cream and a few berries / nut slivers.

If you or your partner cook you could look into almond or coconut flour and see their impact on blood sugar. Can be used to make pancakes (I use almond flour, vanilla, egg - no sugar - mixed together and cooked like a regular pancake. Topped with cream is good....

I have another suggestion that you might want to try. Many of us find that alcolhol helps rather than hinders our blood sugar control when taken in moderation.

I suggest you try a small glass of dry wine or a shot of spirits on the rocks and see what it does to your blood sugar.

It may be another tool in your arsenal and you may not need to give up everything.

Paul, JustLookin's post is an excellent suggestion. Remember, nothing is "bad" -- as a diabetic, it's a matter of how it impacts your BG.

If you can tolerate a modicum of alcohol and it works for you (I know I like the relaxation I get from a glass of wine very much!), go for it.

You've done the hard work. Maybe a little early to start tuning (wait until BG has stabilized for a week or two -- you said it's still working its way down). When you get there, though, you'll be able to find all sorts of food combinations that include some indulgences that will work.

As a treat this weekend I had a large Brandy and some Dark chocolate and although it was extremely nice, I was awoken in the middle of the night with stomach pains wanting the toilet. I can only presume that this was just because of what I had, my blood sugars was also raised, so nice idea and I really did enjoy at the time, but I don't think I will be retrying it soon. On the other hand, I have got some of my energy back and I am feeling a lot better, so who knows, things are looking up.

Maybe too much at one time. :slight_smile: perhaps a small brandy and separate from the chocolate. Being unwell or stressed can itself raise blood sugars. Experiment. We are each our own science ecperiment.

Hello Paul;
My name is Gail and I also am allergic to all insulins. Just saw your post I posted here a year or two ago. I have been diabeic for 31 and a half years and took Lilly pork for 25 yrs; never feeling well but became deathly ill wheneve I tried to switch to Humulin; Novolin; analogs etc. I even imported animal insulins from England which also made me gravely ill although skin testing never really reflected my horrific reactions when tried and retried to tolerate them. It;s been torture really I;ve travelled to Johns Hopkins here and was told I could take Novolin; Yea almost died when I tried it for the third time. I have been taking Apidra thru pump for 6 yrs and very pale and awful symptoms now it has become much worse with rashes and shortness of breath. I insisted on methylprednisone which I just started an is raising y sugars and my allergist is giving me a hard time but she doesn't understand I am allergic to all all all insulins and need it. I also take Benadryl and just started Allegra. Am scared to death as I have just exhausted all choices of insulins in the world. Please let me know what your protocol is and how you are doing Some people cannot tolerate just human but do well on animal but not me. Did you try animal insulin from Wockhardt> it is available in your country,