Also Sobering

Hi Maurie, yes I did have Levemir on board. I didn't think about it at the time as being a protection. I was bolusing all afternoon without testing that day, so my conclusion that it was a half day without insulin was wrong; it was a half day without Apidra. Thanks, and yes it was scary!

Hi Jen. you're right, I did have Levemir on board, but I didn't think of it as protection at the time--as I now do. I didn't feel well the day after that high (maybe because of the four hour's sleep the night before), but I'm back to normal today, thanks. As you suggest, I expect that a high on MDI (I'm on MDI) with basal is less serious than a high with a pump. However, I'm definatly going to buy some ketone strips!

Meee, I can't help but wonder how well my insulin pens are handled before I buy them, since my Apidra is so darn temperature sensitive and does not last 28 days. Sometimes my Levemir pen gives out early, too, and that's harder to figure out than the Apidra. In any case, I'm going to be more careful about my testing in the future. About the ER--I live rather far away from it and I didn't want to take a chance on not taking a correction until I got there. I was hoping that drinking all that water and the correction would work, and lucked out that they did.

Hi Deb, I do use Frios and try to keep them with me instead of in our van. Traveling in summer and winter can be scary!

Thank you so much, Judith, for your lovely comment.

Interesting info, jbowler. I'll have to keep that in mind since I do like a daily GF beer or glass of white wine. With Diabetes, you can't win for losin'!

I am very impatient. I've run into a couple other folks (one of whom is a phlebotomist...) who do this but it's generally frowned upon as it is ***extremely*** dangerous...