I bought a Keto Mojo a few years ago, it sat on the shelf for a while and when I finally went to use it I was disappointed to discover it will not work with an expired test strip. And the strips are fairly expensive so it was tough to throw them away after they expired. I’ll probably buy a different brand as I would like to have one on hand for those times when it is worthwhile to test.
Yes, expired strips are a significant inconvenience and hidden cost since Ketone testing may not occur as frequently as glucose testing!
Out of curiosity, I checked the expiration date on my remaining Fora strips. I originally ordered them in May 2020 and all have an expiration of “12/31/2020” printed on them. So, I decided to see if an “expired” strip would still work in the meter — and it did! No way to determine accuracy, but the result was appropriate for current glucose levels and lack of any symptoms that would indicate DKA.