Better adhesion for my quicksets

I had bought polyfilm dressings at the outset of my pump start but hadn’t used them until now. I have been having a problem with the adhesive patch pulling away 1 to 1.5 days after inserting a new set. It can be costly as well as frustrating. This Tuesday at 6 pm I decided to try the polyfilm as a base and insert the quickset over it. I was able to go a full three days with showering with no problems. Saw this on YouTube and it works.

I use the IV3000 below the set, then mastisol to help my infusion sets. The IV3000 is the same Polyfin dressings. You can even paint the bottom of it with mastisol. I can’t let the regular infusion sets near my skin as it causes a rash. Mastisol is great :slight_smile:


It sounds like you’ve found a good way to insure your insulin pump adhesive to stick for three full days.

I use Skin Tac liquid adhesive for my Dexcom sensor sites. It maintains good adhesion for two to three weeks,