Burned out of low carb

Nope, unfortunately mine is an allergy (to the proteins in dairy), which are very similar across all types of dairy (cow, goat, sheep, etc.). So I’ve been advised by my allergist to avoid goat/sheep dairy as well.

Wow! That high TSH would make anyone feel awful. I am sure that once you adjust your anti-thyroid medication, you will not only feel better, but you will able to handle your LCHF and allergy diets with ease.

BlockquoteMy endocrinologist says that if I did the radioactive iodine I’d be on thyroid replacement for life. But he says that’s easier to manage than hyperthyroidism and that the medications don’t have the same risks of severe side effects. I’m just nervous as if I go ahead with it, it would be for life nad I’d never be able to go back.

When my daughter was 12, she went from a straight A student to a miserable, argumentative C student. She was hyper, losing weight, and could not sleep. As you might guess, her thyroid was WAY off from normal. The doctor suggested the radioactive iodine, and we chose to have that procedure done. What the doctor failed to tell us, though, is that some patients experience depression as a result. While being on Synthroid for hypothyroidism is better than being on the medications for hyperthyroidism, please be aware of all of the side effects of the iodine treatment. My daughter – who is now 40 – said that she would still have the procedure done, but she will live with both a lifetime of medication for her thyroid and a lifetime of medication for depression. That said, she is a successful career woman with a wonderful job and a beautiful home. Please just know all aspects of any decision you make.

Bummer. Have you looked into vegan cheeses? If store bought ones have allergy issues then there are recipes for homemade ones.

Omg you are speaking my heart lol XD

Maybe some career related changes would make you happier? A simpler life…

My schedule was too busy a few months ago because I was doing work, school, and volunteering for multiple organizations, plus travelling for work. I’ve since backed that off to just work and one volunteer position (and I’ll still need to travel for work). I’m in a career that I love, so I don’t think a change there would be a good move, especially when I have another 30 years of career ahead of me. My job does involve travel, but otherwise it’s extremely low-stress for me and not too hectic. At the moment I’m on summer break (well, working part-time but have four days a week off) and am still feeling burned out, so I don’t think time is the issue.

I think a lot of the issue is that I just want to be able to relax with food. I would love to be able to eat out or order in. I look at all the food pictures people post on Facebook and get so jealous at times. I would love to eat just for the enjoyment of eating. I’ve watched people go, “What is that?” and eat it anyway and that is just a foreign experience for me. Always having to think about and analyze food from several different perspectives, always having to make everything I want to eat, always having to modify recipes I find so that they fit my needs, never being able to have a night of relaxation where I just order in, or go out to eat with friends, or attend a conference and have a week where I don’t have to worry about food… I think most people would get burned out at some point!

I also think my thyroid being out of whack is likely affecting things, since I went for more than a year with no burnout until now… I’m hoping that in a few weeks when full-time work starts up again I’ll have worked through my rebellious stage and will be back at least making an effort to keep carbs lower and my BG more steady.


God bless you I hope everything works out! I honestly feel the same way since I’m just starting to acknowledge these immune/allergenic reactions now at 27. I used to laugh at all these allergy warnings, soy, wheat, but I guess that was just ignorance. It’s kinda caught up with me now and I realize not knowing about them has caused a lot of physical/psychological damage (I have SzA and eating wheat contributes to stress induced hallucinations). Thank God you found out about it early enough!

I just want to say that I am having the best blood sugars of my life, and I am NOT doing low carb. I went from a 7.6 A1C to a 5.9 while eating without many restrictions. I don’t have thyroid issues, but I do think it’s possible to figure out a way to eat a reasonable amount of carbs and have good BG’s-especially with a CGM. If you blood sugar spikes after carbs, you probably need more insulin or time it differently. Pre bolus and extended bolus are the keys. Also, if I see a spike after eating, I correct it quickly to avoid really high numbers. I read Sugar Surfing by Dr. Stephen Ponder, a type one diabetic endo, and that has literally changed my life.

[https://www.amazon.com/Sugar-Surfing-Manage-Diabetes-Modern/dp/0996253904/ref=sr_1_1/140-3067216-1977811?ie=UTF8&qid=1534603788&sr=8-1&keywords=sugar+surfing](http://Sugar Surfing)

I used to be in your spot, A1c of 6.0 with few spikes after eating, while not eating low carb (just careful carb counting). But then my thyroid went out of whack and ever since that happened, I just have not been able to get that level of control while eating carbs despite trying for years (the first time I had done it within months of getting my CGM). My blood sugar (and weight!!) is way more unstable, pre-boluses and using more insulin just make me drop low hard, and not doing that stuff makes me skyrocket. I have way more random highs and lows in general and they are way more severe when I’m eating carbs and taking more insulin. Low-carb eating has been the only way I’ve found to not spend most of my time out of range. It is super frustrating, because I remember controlling my blood sugar well with carbs, but it just doesn’t work these days.

I mash cauliflower with cream sometimes, it gives it a good consistency, although not to be used all the time. I also do parsnip ‘chips’, good for you. Parsnips are my new ‘potatoes’.

I’ve had parsnip chips and they’re great!

I’ve been severely allergic to potatoes since I was a toddler. So I don’t have any memories of eating potatoes nor cravings for replacements. I do intend to try mashed cauliflower one of these days, but without cheese and the like and the fact I have no particular craving puts them low on my priority list.

Major breakthrough in my burnout: I have an attempt at low-carb, allergen-free (in part that means being dairy- and egg-free) bread in my oven. No complicated stuff like kneading required, just whisked the ingredients together and dumped in a bread pan (which is how the recipe I used to use worked). I am really hoping this turns out because it would be a major hurdle for me and, if it does work out, will probably motivate me to try inventing other recipes. (I got as much burned out from baking fails as I did from low-carb, I think.)

[Edit: Darn, fail. Aaaahhhh!!!]

Another good vegetable to mash is celeriac, the most ugly vegetable, but when cut up and steamed until tender it makes the loveliest mash you can imagine. Tastes a bit like celery but the flavour is not strong.

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I have found a good rice substitute…shiritaki rice…no cal, no carb. The brand I use is Miracle Rice. It comes in a package that has liquid. The liquid is nasty smelling but I rinse it well and soak it 5-10 minutes, drain, dry a bit in hot skillet. While not as satisfying as rice, it is a good way to get the sauce. Yesterday I made ‘rice’ pudding, actually more like tapioca pudding.

Also, think cauliflower. Even if you don’t like it, it can be made to taste like other starches.

Thanks for all the food suggestions. Dinner is actually my easiest meal and the most likely to be low-carb even when I am feeling burned out. The area I struggle with the most are lunches and snacks outside the home. They have to be portable (transportable in a backpack), able to be eaten on the go (no heating, sometimes no table), and relatively shelf stable. Hence my obsession with bread…

I’ve actually cut out snacking completely. Seemed preposterous at first, but after a few days I am used to it and it’s made me less focused on food. Just a low carb lunch and dinner now and a HUGE Americano w stevia throughout the morning. Might make life a little easier?

Yes, not snacking is easy. During the day I often only have one snack, maybe two if I”m really hungry (evening is a different matter!). However, I always want to have a couple snacks with me because of my food allergies. If I have nothing with me and get hungry, most often the only option is for me to wait hours until I get home. It is very challenging to find anything safe (and low-carb) in grocery stores, coffee shops, fast-food places, or restaurants, especially since I use public transit and just have to use what I happen to be passing by. Another thing that’s more of a food-allergy problem than a diabetes problem…

How are things going these days @Jen ? Feeling any better about low carb?

I am totally not low-carb right now. My body has adjusted and to be honest, my control is about the same as it was on low-carb. This is the first time I’ve tried eating carbs with Fiasp, and it seems to match their peak much, much better than Apidra or Humalog did.

What’s more, it seems that metformin is working as I’d heard rumours it would work for helping with hormonal fluctuations. My last two cycles I have had no giant fluctuations in insulin needs. The elimination of this problem actually helps me far more than eating low-carb ever did, since it contributed to spending about two weeks of every month fighting highs. It may just be a coincidence, but I’m seriously wondering if eating low-carb somehow prevented metformin from working the way it should.

I may still return to low-carb at some point. My thyroid is back on track, last month at least (gets re-checked in a few days), but now I’ve got other health stuff, new medications, and likely a new diagnosis going on. So I have been super low on energy lately and have no more energy left over for eating dedicated low-carb.

I’m getting my A1c done in a couple of days and will be very curious about whether it’s changed.