BY By Pump

If your local Walgreens does not know to file on Medicare part B, have them call 888-281-0590 to find to find out how to fill out the paperwork. Any pharmacy may file on part B IF they have filed the proper forms with Medicare. I get my insulin and test strips from my local pharmacy on part B.
You can use Novilin R in your pump if necessary. I did this while straightening out a preauthorization problem with my insurance.


I know nothing of medicare, just looking online

The big screw is that the patents aren't expiring like every other prescription med. They've patented the biological process, and we need to make laws so that those patents go away in a reasonable amount of time. Then let generics take over.

Just in case, is it just Humalog? or will they not cover all the rapid (so to speak) insulins: Novolog and Apidra as well. I know with my insurance, I have had to switch every so often because one insulin low bids the others. I have been fortunate and not noticed a big difference.

i want to thank everyone for their help. just spoke to walgreens and they will do it on part B. i will be there Monday to get the paperwork started. again thank you all for the help.

