Can i get soke pump info

I have been diabetic my whole life wich is 2 1years and i want to try tue pump can any one give some info on how it works and just info in general and your opinion on it

A pump works by providing insulin 2x ways. It puts out a steady "drip" of basal insulin, which you need to keep your body working ok. This is set at a rate, like .825U/hour. It is very handy because if, for example, your BG runs up every morning, you can change your .825 to .875, see if that works, if it works a little, you can try .9 and see how that goes until it's "set". Then things might change again but you can be very precise in your control. If you get sick, you can turn it up to 200% of normal and "cover" the rise from an infection. If you are going for a 2 hour bike ride, you can turn it down to 20% of normal (or whatever, there's often trial and error in these sort of basal adjustments, or at least there were for me...) and be good to go.

Then, when you want to eat something, you use the pump to administer an amount based on the # of carbs your ratio is determined to be, say 10G of carb/ unit. So if you eat a sandwich that's 25G of carbs, you bolus 2.5U of insulin and eat. You can have different ratios at different times of day, just like the basal rate time adjustment.

In terms of logistics, the pump has a pump motor and a reservoir to keep the insulin in and some hardware and software to run the stuff on. There's two kinds of pumps, tubed, with a pump, about the size of a flip phone, a tube connecting the reservoir to an infusion set and the set itself, a small plastic tube you stick into your preferred location with a needle, take the needle out and leave the set in for a 3-4 days maybe. There's also the Omnipod which just has the Pod gizmo that you stick to your body with the pump and rf gear and needle that sticks itself into you. You run it through the controller, which is another cell phone sized gizmo.

I've enjoyed my pump since about 2 hours after I got it, when I tested at 85 after 3x Taco Bell tacos (I'd been at the doc getting set up for a couple of hours and didn't want to waste more time @ the tastier taco place so I headed for the border...). It's helped me do a lot of things much more easily than I think it would have been with shots for me.

I'm a new pumper (2 weeks now) and maybe not the best to comment but I will give it my best.

A pump is just another delivery system. I think Acidrock gave a good description. It is an always connected system that for most is more convenient way to take insulin. It is always attached and ready to use. It is also a more precise delivery method and it has great features that make it easier to calculate boluses and such.

For those reasons and more a lot of folks find they can achieve better control when pumping. Pumps do have their draw backs but for most people the pluses out weigh the minuses.

I’m like AR. I have been loving it almost from the moment I connected my first infusion set.
