I think using an R / NPH regimen is workable, but with a longer lasting basal like Lantus or Tresiba, it becomes much easier.
If you don’t mind my asking, what is your total daily dose? It sounds like you are active, in which case it is possible you would not require a lot of Lantus. It sounds expensive when you look at a cost per vial, but cost per day actually seems much better.
I’d get it from a canadian phamracy. You’ll save some bucks. There are a lot of these, so this is just an example, not a recommendation on any particular web site. I’d reach out to Jen who is from Canada, she might know better.
I called this site. They sound legit. They DO sell to people in the US, you just need a dr’s script. It’s actually pretty easy. And relatively cheap!
Also, the expiration date? Trust me on this. Insulin will last way past that. Use every drop from your vials. Don’t toss it! Keep it refrigerated if you can.
If you still have a problem with the costs, let me know. I’ll pay you for some yoga advice.