Can't wait

I made up my mind about going on Symlin… I’m scared because I can’t tell when I’m having a low blood sugar… I don’t have any symptoms that I can tell… My family can tell because when I talk I don’t make sense… I want to get a continuous glucose monitoring system before I start but my health insurance, Medicare and Kansas Medicaid, won’t pay for it yet… I don’t know what to do because I don’t have alot of money just laying around… Plus I’m still paying on my insulin pump… My Endo gave me a website on Dexcom Seven or is it Dexcom The Seven… I emailed them some questions… I see my Endo on Tuesday, October the 3rd… I just wait to see what happens… Maybe I’ll win the lottery… Oh, I have to play first… I don’t gamble… So That won’t work…