My sister is an avid canner and gardener. Last summer she started buying whole milk from a farmer because food had sky rocketed. Then she got on line and discovered a place that sells the cultures you would need to make your own cheese. She now regularly makes her own cheddar and mozzerella. My question is this… would you consider making your own cheese?
As for me I like the idea and Sis says it’s pretty easy.
I was thinking of making yogurt because it is hard to buy low fat ones without tonnes of corn starch. You can start a new batch with boiled mixture of 1% milk and skim milk powder and after cooling spike it with some live bateria yougurt.
now that is interesting… I used to use plain yogurt in dip. I drained it in cheesecloth or coffee filters and when it was all thick add chives, spinach, garlic etc. Yummy!