Controlling type 2 without medication

I’ve been without meds for 8 years now; A1cs ranging from 6.5 at dx to 4.9 to 5.3 and 5.6…I was dx at 57 and the transition was difficult, but I had been a dancer for 40 years until fibromyalgia crippled me in 1996, so re-inventing myself was at least a familiar, if enraging and exhausting process…

When I found TuD, I also discovered mentions of Bernstein’s low-carb approach. Once I made the transition, I never looked back. It is a way of eating that suits me and with which I am now comfortable.

But make no mistake: @Stemwinder_Gary is completely correct. T2 is incredibly complex. And, at 65, I am finding it gets even more complex. While I am still not interested in changing how I eat, exercise gets more difficult as my arthritis worsens, periods of sleep deprivation mess with my metabolism, the beginnings of COPD complicate the landscape (I was a smoker until 9 years ago), thyroid and hormonal changes continue to evolve—etc. In short–aging will probably bring an organic end to this way of dealing with The Scourge of D.

But that’s life, isn’t it? When the time comes, it is my intent to go right to insulin—if insulin is what I need, I see no reason for any other intervention with a whole separate menu of side effects. I wrote a blog specifically about eating lo-carb that may be helpful. I’ll see if I can get a link in here…Blessings