Cost Care Tool for figuring how much you spend on your health and how you can perhaps save!

I posted this in Type 1 diabetes area - but thought I’d peek in and say “hello” and pass this by you all incase you’re interested.

I’ve never really looked into what my actual costs are for taking care of my health - have you? I found this new tool at Diabetes1 where I blog once in awhile - that allows you to input figures - come up with what you fork out - along with ways to save. I’m going to give it a go after I’ve had my cuppa java - and give it a whirl. Supposedly it takes about 5 minutes to calculate your budget. Also, you don’t have to log in to do this - only if you want to get your personal history and compare your results against others (or that’s what it says at least on the website page).

Click on this link to be whisked away - no catnip required to experience this … Cost Savings Tool