Could it be neuropathy?

For the past few years, whenever I get stressed, I get the worst pain ever all over my body. The pain is kind of like little needle pricks everywhere; in my eyes, the inside of my ears, even my hair folicles! It gets so bad that I can’t even go to work. My Endo suggested taking vitamin B and it does seem to help. I’ve tried taking anti depressants (Cymbalta) in the past however they seem to have an adverse reaction with me. I guess I’m just wondering if anyone else ever experiences anything like this?

I get pain when I am stressed but more like stress over a few hours. I think that is a little on the normal side. Your body hurts as a response. How long do you have to be stressed before the pain comes?

Be well and be loved

i was researching neuropathy on this site;
it does show a correlation between stress and neuropathy. i have both :slight_smile: and my body does ache when i have stress also. i was also reading other’s posts that i will list below:
I did some research on the subject and came across a nutrient supplement that is supposed to calm the affects of neuropathy. The nutrient supplement is available at Walgreens, and is called Alpha Lipoic Acid. The recommended dosage according to the doctor whose research I read, is 300mg to 600mg a day

You can try R-ALA (alpha lipoic acid), an OTC amino acid supplement. The R form is the most effective. ALA repairs the myelin sheath of nerves. It can also lower BG.