
Try this: Sweet potato chips

Spray a baking pan with oil. Slice sweet potato very finely and put in a single layer in the pan, spray with oil again, sprinkle lightly with salt and bake at 200C until crisp.

You can also make parsnip chips,but am not sure where parsnip is on the GI scale.

I think sometimes when I get those cravings, I need something crispy and crunchy, not necessarily something sweet. I bake a lot of cookies with almond flour and flaxseed and use unsweet coconut to sweeten along with a little splenda or stevia. If I use too much stevia it tastes bitter to me. I also buy scandavavian brancrisps from Netrition and put some coconut oil, almond butter and Walden Farms Jam on them. It takes care of my craving and doesn’t spike me at all. For some great lower carb snack recipes , check out

A medium sweet potato has 24 carbs, so too high for me. Parsnips have over twice the amount of carbs as carrots.

I’ve triied turnip fries. Turnips are low carb.

I wish that were true for me, Gerri. I had some Monin sugar-free syrup in a mocha last year and spent about six hours hovering near the bathroom.

I was on a blind date at the time and the poor gentleman had to wait for me FOUR TIMES while I ran to the ladies before I felt safe jumping in my car and rushing for home. HUMILIATING to say the least!

Some of us are just not able to handle ANY of the sugar alcohols, including erythritol.

I’m fine with Splenda/sucralose (my favorite), stevia, even aspartame or saccharine but no sugar alcohols of any kind.

Those of us who tend to have irritable bowel probably send it rocketing to the large intestine before it has a chance to be absorbed in the small intestine at the normal rate – and when the lower-gut bacteria get hold of it…oh, my.

Oh no, that’s awful! On a first date, no less. Really embarrassing. I can’t even look at the other sugar alcohols without a problem. I was skeptical about erythritol claims, but tried it. Kept one eye on my stomach & the other on my meter. I don’t react to it where other sugar alcohols either raised my BG or caused gastric upset. Seems that I can metabolize some but not others. Aspartame gives me a pounding headache. Good there are many choices for different tummies.

Have you noticed glycerin having any effect? Really mixed info on how this impacts BG.

I found a gum that has xylitol in it. I wish it was big enough to blow bubbles though! The cinnamon is yummy. Good if you miss chewing on gum. :slight_smile:

It is called Spry:

I did notice that Super Bubble Bubble Gum has only like 5 carbs for 1 piece. At least, one could blow bubbles with that stuff. :slight_smile:

i find that coke zero and coffee w/splenda mostly satisfy my sweet tooth (and, luckily enough, actually lower my blood sugar). the only “sweets” i eat are berries, but i have them almost every day. this, in conjunction with using small amounts of sugar (like 1 TSPish) in marinades or sauces, really is good enough to satisfy my cravings.

Yeah, it was hella embarrassing. (Eeek.)

Glycerin? I’m not sure when I would have been eating that. (Must google…)

I got really mad when the FDA said they didn’t have to put warnings on packages for olestra (the fake fat stuff that makes folks…gah.) I’m always scanning packages for that and the -ols plus the myriad names for SUGAR. The corrupt food industry got wise to the labels and started putting in five or six different kinds of sugar to push them down the ingredients list: maltose, galactose, maltodextrin, high-fructose corn syrup, evaporated cane crystals, blah-blah-blah.


I admire all of you with your creative ways to handle carbs and sweets! :slight_smile: I’m a picky eater, and also not a cook, so a lot of those recipes just go by me. At least, I’m pretty comfortable with my limited diet, which does NOT include French Fries and potato chips like so many picky eaters seem to live on, LOL!

I try to get in some vegetables as often as I can stand them, and I like beef and chicken and a little fish, and I eat cheese Trying to cut down on milk, which I adore, but cream in tea might be a good substitute. And I take a multivitamin every day, because I’m sure I’m not getting a complete diet.

You know, as I’m re-reading this and thinking, I’m wondering if the coffee and stress of a blind date perhaps magnified the situation?

Perhaps if I had a LITTLE erythritol in something less…caustic…than coffee (even decaf gives me a nervous response, especially if I’m stressed) then perhaps I’d react differently?

Hmmm…now I’ll have to pick a safe day/time to experiment with trying a little bit in something mild – away from all witnesses. ;0)

It would be nice to have just a tiny bit of something sweet now and then that didn’t have that bitter after-taste.

Glycerin is used in things like granola & protein bars. Also in products that are alcohol free suspended tinctures. I have a green tea concentrate that uses water & glycercin & some liquid vitamins wiith it also. Info I’ve found is conflicting. My own experiments haven’t helped clear how it effects BG. As far as I can tell, glycerin isn’t included with carb counts on labels. Corrupt industry–I agree!