I just started using a Dexcom continuous blood glucose meter. I am a bit disappointed in the device. I have been driving the company crazy with questions, but they assure me that my device is working as it should. It is often way off in terms of comparison to my finger stick results, and this is taking a lag time into account. Does anyone else use one of these meters? Do you like it? Is there a better device from a different company? I do not qualify for a pump yet (require very little insulin so I just inject wiht the junior pen). My blood sugar drops low and I have been afraid to exercise, which I know is not good. I was hoping this monitor would put my mind at ease, allow me to finger stick less, etc. Instead, I have been doing twice as many finger sticks a day and am still afraid to go to the gym and get on the treadmill.
We have a group for Dexcom users. I would recommend posting your questions there as well.
Also, about needing very little insulin, for some people that is the reason for switching to the pump, as the pump can provide more accurate dosing for people who are very insulin sensitive.