Dexcom help

We just got our dexcom 5 for our daughter she wants to put it on right away but it is alot to take in should I try to figure it out myself or use our endo team to help. She hates going to the office and wants to do it here bit I don’t want to mess it up.

It is not that hard. Watch a couple of YouTube videos.


yeah, watch some videos. tech support is 24/7 so any questions, just call them

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@Eric31 - I second @Dave44 and @Helmut suggestion to watch a couple youtube videos of putting the sensor on. It is definately a little clumsy but the videos help a lot. After you put on a couple sensors, it gets smoother.

And DEFINITELY ask back on the forums if you have ANY questions. There are lots of very experienced Dexcom users that are always willing to provide advice.

Also totally agree with @Dave44 again that you should ALWAYS feel free to call Dex Tech Support. They are always open and it is not ONLY if you have a failure or broken something. You can call just to ask a question. They are great.

Good Luck - The Dexcom CGM is simply GREAT technology !!!


Just go for it. Dexcom will replace sensors if you mess it up.

My biggest advice that you probably won’t understand now is to keep your fingers above the collar when you insert the sensor and wait for the click. Then put your fingers below the collar to pull out the needle. I’ve been using CGM for 9 years and still make this mistake about once a year, especially when I am hurrying to insert the sensor.

I’ll also warn you that the insertion process is a bit clumsy and for me the insertion just plain hurts. But it never hurts once it is in. I have probably only removed one Dexcom sensor ever because it hurt.


I also agree with all comments here. Watch some videos, it makes sense as you watch. Then go for it.

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As complicated as it might seem, it is not that difficult to use. The one caution I would give you is when a sensor session is over-- don’t SHUTDOWN, but STOP SENSOR. Weird things happen if you SHUTDOWN at the wrong time and knowing when it’s the right time (if ever) is an advanced thing.

Also, remember to plug in the receiver (if you’re using the receiver) every three days. Other than that, you will only learn how to do this by doing it and once you start, your anxiety will disappear.


When I first started with Dexcom I found their instruction video was very helpful. It’s broken down in sections; it’s easy to pause or repeat a section as many times as you need. I followed this video for the first ten or so insertions.

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I watched the videos before I got the Dexcom the first time – I had in started up and set up within 10min of its arrival in my house!


My daughter is 10 and we just started using a Dexcom this spring. I just read the materials they gave me and watched some youtube videos and was good to go!

I know it does seem like alot of new information which can make it seem complicated, but it’s really not.

Good luck!

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Do what makes you comfortable. It is definitely doable from looking at instruction manuals and videos. We went to the trainer first - I just hadn’t considered doing it myself - and thought what a waste of time that was! But it is a bit nerve-wracking so if you prefer the security of a medical professional with you, do that. If your daughter’s disdain for going to the doctor trumps that, then definitely give it a go.

My advice is go quickly! Take your time with placement and positioning your hand and getting ready, but when you insert, do it with swift quick motions - plunge and then retract. Quicker means less painful. Once you’ve done it, it becomes much less intimidating. My son Caleb really didn’t want to do it himself. After he did his first insertion his reaction was - “wow, that was easy!”

Good luck!

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I received my Dexcom starter kit on Saturday. I couldn’t wait.

It IS a bit different than the a regular inset change, so I watched the videos provided on the app. Definitely cleared things up for me. I put the first one on Saturday night at 7 PM.

It is amazing. 288 data points every day! no more trying to remember to test multiple times after a meal to pinpoint a rise based on food and bolus timing. I can literally watch the graph and learn… just unbelievable. Calibrating twice a day is no problem, and getting notification is really great. I can immediately react to a rise or fall, and hopefully disrupt a roller coaster before it begins!

pretty excited about this!


Yep! We are getting great results from the G5! Accuracy is phenomenal. What a difference in accuracy between it and the random number generator, also known as Enlite.