Diabetes as a disability

It seems like diabetes is considered a disability in America. I’d love to hear more about that, and how your school/workplace has had to adapt to acknowledge this.

In South Africa, things are less clear. I had to check the box for dabetes under the disability section of the application form, but a lot of funding opportunities and bursary schemes here do not see it as a disability. If it was acknowledged as a disability, I would be eligible for more money for special equipment (I could use it for test strips and insulin!) and be funded for a longer period of time. Oddly enough though, both dyslexia and epilepsy ARE classed as disabilities. Is it just me, or does that seem unfair?

I studied education in college, so I know the laws.
heres a link: http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/edlite-FAPE504.html

and also IDEA http://idea.ed.gov/

I dont usually like to use Wikipedia, but I find they did a good job summarizing, so here it is if you dont have a lot of time:

All those laws work together in the education system. It is important a child has an IEP, which will allow them certain accommodations. Some accommodations could be as small as “Student will be allowed to leave class early to test blood sugar…” or “Student shall be permitted to ____”.

To answer you question, no I dont think it seems unfair. Yes an epileptic, a dyslexic and a diabetic ARE considered disabilities. Anyone who has a chronic disability would fall into that category. All those laws are suited for an individual’s rights and thus by having a disability, chronic or not, a diabetic would fit.

Hi Joanne

Thanks for the info and the reply. I was trying to point out that in South Africa diabetes is not considered a disability, even though epilepsy and dyslexia are.