Diabetes just NEVER gives up! (Guess what? NEITHER DO I)

I’ve been reading through some old blog post from the DOC and this thought comes to mind. I don’t expect (or care) if this generates any discussion. I simply needed to say it.

I’m not always sure what keeps me motivated…different things on different days. Some blogger posted (was it Riva?) about the pride of being able to manage diabetes. I had never thought of it that way; but fully agree.

I also keep fighting this fight for me as well as my family. Whatever the reason…and there are many…I refuse to give up. Not this day, not the next, not two thousand days from now.

Thanks for letting me thump my chest and voice my battle cry. Be well and carry on!!

PS. remember, this is a “leave no man behind” disease. If one of our fellow soldiers stumbles, pick them up and carry them until they can march on their own. It’s just how we roll.

Well said & I especially love your PS!

We all have to come up with our own ways to keep motivated, as you say diabetes is a relentless opponent.

I have been struck, at times, reading a thread about different peoples approaches to motivation. If you divide people into those dominated by the left side of their brain(logical, rational, analytical, reductionist) vs right side ( intuitive, holistic, synthesizing) I come down strongly on the left side. I work in IT and program, both of which are very logical activities. So my daily science experiment correlating various inputs (food, exercise etc, with results) and adjusting accordingly, comes naturally to me. This coupled with a natural tendency to perfectionism has kept me motivated so far (about 2 yrs.)

I’d be interested to hear from those artistic, intuitive types, who favor the right side, as to how they keep motivated. I think they would find my way extremely dull:)

Wow, i never heard of that before (left side of brain vs right side). My brother is a physicist and he is definitely left side of the brain. I don’t know where I fall, but I keep motivated by trying to avoid complications.

Very Well Said! I’m in it to win it too.

WAY TO GO BUG!!! and yes your PS is EXCELLENT. You sleep, diabetes does not. It will fool you (as best it can) and it is always silent, sneaky and severe. Your points are very well.taken and the only thing(s) we can do are to be as vigilant as possible and keep the best balance between our control, the way(s) we control it and the never ending levels of ignorance that we will always face, even when talking to doctors.

There was a time when we all knew very little and all of us learn more as things change (ie our biology and technology) however all of the above can be EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. This is why your post, and tudiabetes are so very necessary. I remember a time when glucometers existed only in hospitals. We’ve got the monster on the run and as a result cannot rest on our laurels.

In fact it is now OUR TURN to exponentially crush this monster for good, much like it has done to us. Turnabout is fairplay, and everything is a cycle. This is happening as we speak. Thanks again for the post, very well done!

Love Always
Anonymous Diabetic.

Great insight Badmoon. You are right. In a previous life (about 10 years ago) I attended some courses that helped me to figure this out. I’m about 60:40 to the right side. I love to study and understand, but don’t ask me to record or catalog information. I haven’t kept a check register in over 16 years. I had not really thought about this whole concept in regards to D, but it is a definite factor. Thanks for pointing this out. It will help with some of my frustration in dealing with this disease. I think some one with you leanings has a definite leg up in handling all that is D. Collecting all the data is one thing that was in initially so overwhelming to me.I’m finding my way, but it would probably make you crazy.

It is nuggets like this that make TuD so great. And I agree NEVER GIVE UP!

Good question bMood. I’m a left brain kind of person as well.