Diabetes or diabetic

Hi everyone. April’s haiku prompted me to open this discussion. How do you feel about your diabetes? Does it define you? I think it helps you deal better with it if you look at it from a different angle. I HAVE diabetes and, yes, I am diabetic. I am not, though, ONLY a diabetic. I have brown hair but I’m NOT just a brunette! I AM so much more, and I think we all need to think of ourselves that way. As you can see from all the haikus and the many discussions, we all are so much more. We’re talented, compassionate,hopefull and courageous…and much more! Positive thinking and hope and faith go a long way in this life we have. Breathe!
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Hi Jean! Check out this discussion! I think that you will find many people who agree with you and your GREAT attitude!!

Thanks for sending me to that discussion,Kristin. I’m fairly new to TuDiabetes and have probably missed many great topics. I think it is so important( in life and at this website/community) to share our feelings and views. We never know how our angle of seeing things will effect others’ views. What a great bunch we have here!

Hi Jean, You are right on we are some much more than a diabetic. God can use me just as I am. Keep up the good attude and when you are down about diabetes remember you are so much more.