Diabetes type 1 and emotions

Diabetes is a major cause of depression.Sugar swings can be rough emotionally .But I think your problem may be more of the shock of findining out your a diabetic.Anthony is right; it is like the death of a love one. We all go through it . It’s still new to you. It is normal to go through the 5 stages of grief. Part of who you were ,is gone for ever.You need time to adjust,give yourself time. (for me it was almost 8 months) It’s scary uncharted territory for you but fortunitly you have this group to help guide you on your journey.

With saying all of that ;you should talk to your doctor about this … You may need some medication for a short time during your grieving.

Definitely have gone through these emotional ups and downs and continue to. Insulin and all its related components is, as others have pointed out to us, a hormone after all. The overall impact might be even more devastating to us women emotionally, since we already other hormonal ‘challenges’ to contend with. Feel free to e-mail me or comment if you ever need an electronic shoulder to lean on.
Take care of yourself!,

Yes. I definitley get emotional ups and downs depending on my blood sugar level. I find I get very depressed if it gets too low. Hopefully, this will correct itself as you become more level. I am sure you are experiencing some true pshycological feelings, as well, since you were just diagnosed. If you are upset, that will definitely cause a high. If you are a female, menses makes it go haywire. From being too high, too being too low. It is tough, but hopefully you are on a pump because it will be easier to acquire control.