Diabetic friendly desserts :)

I have never seen it in regular stores, but Netrition is reasonably priced, we buy our dreamfields pasta sometimes from them and sometimes from the general store. Unfortunately if they ship across the pond, cost would likely be prohibitive.

I am going to the grocery store on a weekly basis, and just taking time, sometimes 2 hours, to check out what the carbs and calories are in foods. I have a notebook that I write these down in…so I can easily refer to them. Being a small town, we don’t have the places that are listed in the “normal” carb books, so I have to make my own…and that I am doing. When I find something really good, I’ll share it with you…


Thank you.

Now where do you get a low carb flour? If I could find low carb flour I would be elated.

Almond meal, golden flaxseed meal & coconut flour can be used as low carb wheat flour substitues. Of course, no wheat gluten to bind ingredients together so more eggs are used in recipes. Won’t be as light as white flour, but you can make pancakes, muffins, cakes, cookies & even breads. Things turn out heavier & denser.

My supermarket (Kroger) carries these in the health food section. Health food stores have them also.

I avoid the low carb mixes because they’re expensive & usually have a lot of added chemicals.

The carbolose flour Dave mentioned is great. I’ve never seen it in stores in my area & order it from http://www6.netrition.com/tova_carbalose_page.html as Dave does.

My favorites right now:

New York Cheese Cake: Substitute almond flour for a graham cracker crust, and use splenda instead of sugar. Watch for hidden carbs in the cream cheese and sour cream. Just check for what brands that have no carbs. I don’t even have to bolus for it.

Peanut butter cookies: Substitute whole wheat flour for reg flour, and Splenda for sugars. You would have to do the math again yourself but I think it works out to 5-7 cabs per cookie.

My experience with baking with splenda kinda failed :confused:
We were making apple cake, which is basically a tray backed sponge with apple and brown sugar tis very yummy :slight_smile:
But when made with splenda it went very stodgy and was a bit like sweet yorkshire pudding, for those not brittish thats basically a little thing made of batter that you have in roast dinners :slight_smile: Very nice with gravy but not so good with apple as we found out :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the info!!

I also use unsweetened almond milk (available at supermarkets) to replace milk in recipes. It’s only 2 carbs for 8 oz.

Happy baking!

Do you have exact recipes for these? Both sound very yummy. Most children would like the peanut butter cookies and many kids like cheese cake as well. Particularly interested in the cheesecake that does not need to be bolused for:)

If you try searching ‘low carb cheesecake’ you get hundreds of recipies :slight_smile:
Have fun cooking!