Diabetic mags

im looking for a good diabetic mag. pos a one that is free or not two costly. what do you all recomend?

Diabetic Living is pretty good. If you want free, one option are the mags that are sitting by the counter in the pharmacies: the one Walgreens publishes is not too shabby.

Safeway diabetic magazine worth a read for bigginners.

I just got some info from Diabetic Living by Better Homes and Gardens that gave me 2 years for $19.95 Supposedly that is 2 years for the price of one I do not know how my name was entered into this but when I receive my first I will find out how to get this info to you. I hope this gives you some information you can use. Karen R

I always grab those ones in Walgreens. For being free, it’s decent.

we have a walgreens lol i guess i just never noticed them

ill ave to check them out

i got something in the mail today from ADA well i guess it was yesterday

I subscribe to the Diabetes Health newsletter online. It’s good.

dLife also sends out email newsletters.

Voice of the Diabetic


I agree: both are excellent!

I get one for free from the CDE’s office. I think it’s just called “Diabetes”. lol. that’s what the cover says. and… i got it because… well… Nick Jonas was on the cover. LOL! but, yeah. so, i love it, of course.

I’ve gotton Diabetes Forcast since I was about 8 or 9, from time to time there is junk in it but there are always good articles

I prefer the “Diabetes Forecast”, the American Diabetes Assoc. magazine. 2008 was their 60’th anniversary and they presented a special issue in October with an article on several diabetics who had been diabetic for 60 or more years. I was one of the seven or so included in that article. I might be biased, Lol! It is a good magazine though. Honest!


diabetes health is a good one, you can also sign up for it on line and view it for free, julie

i read the winter issue. Quick read but it did have some interesting info. i kinda wish they seperated type 1 and 2 info, because i got my hopes up when it said i didn’t have to eat at the same time every day, but that article was about a type 2. With insulin you kinda have to keep things the same. Otherwise it was good! Had some good recipes in it to!

I just picked up the latest “Diabetes” mag from the Dr.'s office. This issue has Randy Jackson (Idol judge, musician, etc.) on the cover. Randy has an article called “Dawg’s Days”. Not bad for a freebie. They offer a free diabetes meal planning guide (call 1-800-862-9131). I may just subscribe.