Do 1 hour pp's matter?

Hi -

I’m sure there’s been much discussion about this but do 1 hour post meal bg’s matter that much (like 186). Or only if it doesn’t come down after the 2 hour mark? It seems everywhere I look I see a different response so just curious what everyone here thought.


The glycamic behaviour within a healthy person is in a very narrow range. Values that reach 140 mg/dL are rare and are mostly related to massive consumption of fast acting glucose.

From this perspective a one hour pp value like 186 is not ok. For a long time I was on normal insulin (Acctrapid) and it was very difficult for me to stay below 200 mg/dL (1 hour pp). I would say that a great deviation within one day is negative and stressing - especially for nerve cells. But at the same time in respect to my experience you need the right tools to avoid them. If analog insulins will not help and all your options with wait time before meal had no success then you have to accept it. In this situation all worries about high pp values will not help at all. In this situation I would aim at a very good A1C.

I always wondered this as well. Everywhere I read it’s all about 2 hours after a meal, but how high should the BG be shortly after the meal? I’ve gotten things as high as 350 mg/dl, my doctor told me it was normal so I didn’t think much of it.

My endo has me shoot for 140 at 1 hour pp and 120 at 2 hours pp.

Increasing the wait time between insulin and eating has nailed it for me for the most part. I was getting 160-180 typically at 1 hour, sometimes over 200, before I started bolusing earlier. Watching my 1 hour and my 2 hour has dropped my A1c, too, but it does mean you’re testing as often as 10 times a day or more.

Hi -

Thanks for the response! My problem is that I’m not on insulin (yet). I’m still waiting for the official diagnosis of Type 2 or Type 1.5 and what my treatment plan will be. My sugars are all over the place. Some days high at 2 hours pp and sometimes okay at 2 but too high at 1 hour pp. It appears my pancreas has no idea what it’s doing yet! : ) I agree with you that 186 at 1 hour pp (or any time) is not okay. Just didn’t know what others thought or have heard.


I am so new to all of this that my head is spinning! I thought it was OK to have your sugars up, like in the 300 an hour after a meal. After being at this site for a matter of days, I have learned so much. I really thought my Dr. was doing a good job, no endo needed. Wow was I wrong. I didn’t even know half of this info. On my way to the endo I go… Thank you to all who post, for some one new to this life, this site has been priceless!

1 hour post-prandials for the most part don’t matter - which is to say, you should NOT correct at 1 hour post prandial because the majority of your insulin won’t finish work until 2-3 hours… take a reading at 1 hour, 2 hour and 3 hour and you’ll see how you naturally come down. Your question about what’s a “normal” rise however is perfectly normal, and I’ve heard a variety of answers. If you start at 120 and you go up 60 points to 180 and are down to within 30 points by hour 3 (so 150) then your ratio is more or less correct. Even hour 2 is cutting it close, though it should be lower than hour 1. If you went up again, then that’s bad. If you are jumping to 250 or 300 at 1 hour, then you probably just didn’t take enough insulin. But you should not expect to be exactly the same at 1 hour post-prandial as you were pre-meal because your insulin doesn’t work as fast as food. That’s why they tell you to take insulin early. If you are having huge spikes most meal despite taking insulin early or eating low-glycemic foods, you might want to investigate symlin. Symlin is a naturally-occuring hormone in non-diabetics that is associated with the release of insulin. Symlin helps slow down the emtying of the intestines, so that your blood sugar does not spike as quickly. It’s more inline with how quickly the insulin works so things stay more steady.

Like I said b4, Im new to this, but Im sure all of you can agree when I say that I hate the feeling of low blood sugar. I tend to under-dose to advoid this. I know that this is not good, but I have a 1 year old and a 2 1/2 year old, my biggest fear is going low (too low) and not being there for them, or worse yet, an accident. I know I must be in the denial stage, but I would rather see a number at 200 than 20. Im sure Im going to get reemed for this comment, but Im being honest. This is just so overwhelming…

I was chatting to my doc about this earlier today. He told me to stop worrying about 1 hour pp readings, but only to look at the 2 hour mark.