Do not ignore your Type 2 it can ruin or change your life drastically and you wont even realize it!

This is my very personal story and you should really think about your life, who you are, have you at all changed and are you just not you lately.

My story could have started long ago, maybe over 10 years ago and I didn’t realize it until now.

I have lived in Florida for most of my life coming from Puerto Rico. My sister is a diabetic and my grandfather is a diabetic. I was always very thin and never thought I would possibly get diabetes but something was always wrong and no one could figure it out. I started seeing a doctor when I lived in Florida since I was working and now had insurance. My doctor said you are diabetic here take this medication and come back in 6 months unless you think they don’t work. He never mentioned anything about testing my sugars or checking my A1C and I didn’t really know much about diabetes at all.

I purchased a house with my partner in 1999 and thought OMG, things are going to be great and everything will be wonderful. Not so, I began to dislike a lot of things around me and in my life, my partner had to go on detail to Washington, DC so I was alone with my little miniature pnscher “Gabe” and I started to feel very lonely and upset. I thought I can’t do this by myself I need help and no one comes see me, etc, etc.

2001 comes along and 9/11 when this happened that was it, my partner was in Washington, DC working for the Feds when the plane hit the Pentagon everyone was worried about my partner and so was I. I knew then that I wanted to move to DC and not be alone anymore. That was a mistake, or was it? After I moved there, we bought a home sold the old one and guess what I was missing my family, I hated DC nothing was right there either. In the meantime still Type 2 nothing is right just take my pills and meanwhile, I started testing my sugars they were always within 200 and 500 and I didn’t know anything about it I didn’t feel anything was wrong, allthough I was a mess!

A year and a half later, we sold the house and moved back to Florida. Started seeing another doctor kept me on pills bought a beautiful house!!! now its 2003 and I have a great job, going to school and great house!! Still not good enough, started hating my job, hated Florida everything right before that they find out I am Type 1 and 2 I am now taking insulin on top of that. Still don’t know how to use it just following the doctor telling me how much to inject and when to take it no nutritionist nothing.
t’s 2008 and guess where I am…Back in DC we sold our beautiful home, I quit my job and started pump therapy and had the One Touch Ping my new doctor is much better although he set me up at a low rate and things are ok, Thank God I have insurance still, after a few months I got really irritated with the pump it was very difficult to sleep with and I felt it wasn’t working the way it should have. I have since taken a nutrition class and have learned a lot about my sugars and so on.

I decided to switch to the OmniPod and get another Endocrinologist’s opinion. Well I did in January 2009, she set my new settings for the OmniPod told me the max amount of carbs she wants me to consume for lunch breakfst and dinner and a Miracle has happened. Since I saw her my sugars have been between 75 and 95 incredible even with eating it has made me lose weight and MY ATTITUDE OH MY GOD!!!

I remember when I used to feel this way, I was very young and my body and mind felt incredible I was such a happy person with a great attitude and outlook on life. Here I am I AM BACK.!!!

I just realized what had happened all those years and how much damage the diabetes did to my life and I didn’t even know it was happening I was a different person my mood was horrible and I have never felt better.

I can’t even begin to tell you how easy it is to let go of things and to look at everything so positively. This is why I am happy I found this website to let everyone else know, this could be you don’t make mistakes you might not even know that its happening to you. You wouldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe I was that person. It messes with your mind!!!

But I am free and my life is wonderful and I have so much to look forward to.

Please, please get a 2nd opinion if you are unsure of how you are feeling and thing don’t seem right or if the doctor doesn’t give you as much information as you think you may need.

Look at all these forums and this website you will get as much help as you need.

Thank you everyone, I am so happy to be part of this family we have here. Don’t look back, look forward and keep moving. To all you very young people it is nothing this will never defeat you. You can defeat it!!!

Thanks for sharing your story, Luis Gabriel. I’m sorry you had to go through all that, but glad you are here and things are working out well. Welcome to tudiabetes!

Luis Gabriel, Welcome aboard. Glad you found us.

Sorry it took you so long to get good results after seeking medical help. I enjoyed your interesting story. It’s very easy to participate at tudiabetes. Hope you’ll continue to share with us. Best regards, Lucy