Doctors appointment

I have been a type one for 40 years this summer. Currently, I am using the 780 in the Guardian four sensor. I saw my endocrinologist today and I passed with flying colours. My cholesterol levels, my thyroid levels, and my kidney function, and my A1c were all good. I explained to my endocrinologist that I was having some numbness on the bottoms of my feet. He told me that my neuropathy is getting better and when the nerves start to reconnect, you Get different sensations in the feet. Since that last gastroparesis flareup, I have been doing a lot of walking and being very careful with my blood sugars.I’m assuming that the extra walking that I have been doing and the extra care have made my neuropathy better. My acid reflex has improved, and my digestion has seemed to improve also. This all makes me very happy.


So glad to hear it, Dee. Hope you continue to improve each and every day!

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This is great news, you should be proud :clap:

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Thank you I am very proud. I work hard to keep my blood sugars on target and I often reassess my carb ratios when I feel they need changes. I feel much happier now that I’m feeling better.