Dr. Bernstein's "Diabetes Solution"

There’s quite a long, recent thread here on the low carb, high fat diet: Low Carb High Fat Diet

I use an insulin pump and for my personal endocrine response I’ve found that I only need to account for the protein if I’m having a lot of meat. If I cut up 3 slices of hard salami to go on top of my salad, there’s enough uncertainty in the carb count of the salad itself that any contribution from the salami is lost in the noise. For me. You are certainly different, and need to find what works for you.

The goal is flat blood sugar. That’s been elusive for me, as variations in sleep, exercise, weather and even amount of sunlight I get seem to affect my BG. I’ll cook up a big batch of fish, divide it by weight, and then eat the exact same meal down to the gram and have 2 different BG results. I’ve come to grips with this as ‘your mileage may vary’ and that’s how it is. So I’m not as… obsessive as I was when I started out. But following Dr Bernstein’s principle of Small Numbers has brought my A1C down into the high 5s, so here’s one person it works for.