Drinking alcohol with type 1

I definitely have experience in this field! I overdid it way too many times in university (and sometimes after), but I always made sure I ate something when I drank and tested (which was somewhat entertaining for people at pre-drinks when I’d pull out the glucometer bag and not something I was ashamed of). I usually woke up low or somewhat low, but you have to know your body. I’ve taken many chances but learned early on that I don’t seem to be in serious trouble no matter how low I am, and that I can recognize the signs of low blood sugar and treat myself even when I’ve been drinking. If it wasn’t for these 2 things I might have gotten in serious trouble, but luckily only ever got sick from drinking (which was a colossal waste of time, money and good brain cells looking back on it all) and never from diabetes. These days I enjoy a good glass or two of scotch, rye, wine or a craft beer now and then. Whiskey doesn’t raise my BG at all. Beer definitely raises blood sugar and is hard to bolus for without going low. I stay away from IPAs as these will send blood sugar skyrocketing. Try to stick to light/pale blonde beers if you can. I don’t see much of an affect from wine. Coors light is low in carbs but I realized if I’m going to enjoy a beer might as well drink something that actually tastes good!

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