Eating out

I think it just takes practice. Sometimes I am off with my carb counting, but I see it as a learning experience. The next time I order it, I have a better understanding of how to bolus for it. I rarely order pasta, rice, or high fat foods, but I will have french fries on occasion. I usually order grilled fish or chicken, salads, and soups, but sometimes I’ll have burger. I do not eat Chinese food because that is the one food I have never been able to correctly bolus for. Besides Chinese food, I will eat most things. I exercise regularly, and I usually eat healthy, so if I am at a restaurant I will eat what I want. Don’t be hard on yourself if you miscalculate because the next time you eat it, you’ll be able to make the proper adjustments. It really just takes practice. Good luck!

Both Italian and Chinese, they can put sugar in sauces. Forgot to mention chicken marsala, which is delicious (I have never seen the chicken breaded in this dish). Marsala wine, shallots, chicken cutlets and mushrooms. This can be eaten without pasta and should have minimal carbs. One of my favorites.

WOW, Mexican kills me…I can’t stop the chips and salsa. My fault but I know I can’t handle them.

I usually eat a chicken salad everywhere I go, boring I know. I even ask them if theres sugar in the dressing and bring packets of dressing with me in case there is. One of my favs is mexican- I order a fajita taco salad with no shell, beans, or rice and add extra lettuce and meat so there’s usually steak, chicken, bell pepper, onion, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, & onions and I use salsa as my dressing-YUM! I also order hamburgers without buns and ask them to wrap them in lettuce.

I also only eat out for lunch that way if I have a surprise post prandial or the fat in restaurant food spikes me hours later I have the rest of the day to correct my bg.