Experts Please Guide : Dawn Phenomenon

Nice to know yesterday am was high at 5am then next day at 5am was perfect.
Dynamic is all I can say.
Been moving out of honeymoon phase and now seeing what others were talking about with managing their numbers.
A cgm is not in my future…so I check myself fairly often.
I appreciate your sharing.
And send even keel numbers your way.

For me, that means very low carbing. sigh. :slight_smile:

Tim - here is the update on the afrezza direct purchase plan. I called the Direct Purchase hotline today (833-623-4843) and they confirmed the $4 a day deal has been extended at least through the month of February. They also apologized that the website has not been updated.

That is great. Hopefully they can get their website updated before the end of February if they actually are extending the offer.

Right now, the website clearly says it ends January 31, 2019 per my previous screenshot which is probably not necessary to upload again.

I have no idea what people may or may not be saying on message boards.

Good news - their website has been update. Better news is their CEO mentioned in an interview today they will be doing something after February.

Why is this important? afrezza is the fastest and easiest way to knock down high BG and its out of the body in 2 hours. Fiasp at about the 2 hour mark is peaking.

Its also possible to split a 12u cartridge into three 4u doses so the cost would be less than 50cents for 4u.

your first link doesn’t go to what I expected, George.

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Dave - you are correct. I think it should work now.
It needed the www
try this -

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Dear NatureOrbs

after i read this post, there is some miss understanding regarding DP effect and MDI case. Most of people use pump and they know how to control the over DP and bolus.
i think i am most exceptional case because i use pump and MDI when i need. My A1c is 5.2 for last 2 years before a1c 5.4. even thou i use MDI injection.
i am t1 which is same case as you are. there are several factors you should understand even thu use pump or MDI injection. Currently i am in MDI stage due to the traveling and injection site problems of pump.

  1. if you have time please read Dr. Bernstein book but you should focus several facts on book a. food behavior for diabetics b. how to inject for Bolus and Basel.
    case 1. for my Basel i always do split shout of total amount of unit such as 23 units of lantus split 8,8,7 three split way not one shout of 23 unit. the major reason Dr bernstein explain that to reach of efficiency of insulin within 5% deviation . one shout must less than 7 unit. So many peoples ask how to control A1c, my answer is simple food and injection unit split control. My case i never go over 8 unit for pen injection.
    case 2. i am using Lantus but when i reach 1 or 2 unit high than your total lantus unit could control easily DP without extra bolus shut. So you should carefully record total behavior of Tresiba and discuss with Endo to adjust basel dose.
    case 3. i do low carb eating (this is not the diet) ever since i diagnose with diabetics.
    peoples see low carb as diet no no this is one of way better living with diabetics

it is very difficult understand what is my posting but who ever fail peoples always never use split shout, never changing eating habit, never record of all the data include food, insulin unit, exercise time etc. i wish you could live better life without long term diabetics complications.

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