That CHIP diet sounds like the old fat-is-bad-for-you-carbohydrates-are-good-for-you traditional wisdom that has been relentlessly pushed by popular culture for the past 50 or 60 years and is now being steadily discredited. Depending on how interested you are in this subject, there are some very good references readily available. One of the best starting points is Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes.
But that’s really an aside. As Brian mentions, eating large quantities of carbohydrate is about the worst thing you could be doing right now. If one’s goal is to achieve high blood sugars, there’s no better way.
On the issue of insulin, I can offer a personal perspective, for what it’s worth. I am a “true” T2 who managed decent control for about 15 years using oral medications (no insulin). When my ability to maintain good control finally deteriorated beyond what I was willing to live with, I started reading everything I could get my hands on, including the books recommended earlier in this discussion as well as others. I concluded pretty quickly that insulin would give me good control again. It has. I feel like I’ve been let out of jail.
You didn’t say exactly what it is about insulin that you fear. If you could be more specific, there are many here who could provide helpful insights.
And last but not least, it seems pretty clear that you have been misdiagnosed. It’s surprisingly (and distressingly) common. Melitta, one of our members, has written extensively about the phenomenon. Check out this link.