I have flown once since I got my Dexcom G4 and at one airport they gave me a bit of a hard time when I requested a pat down instead of the full body scanner because of my G4 and my insulin pump. In the end they did do a pat down, but I will be flying again shortly and I'm just curious what others do when they fly.... Do you request a pat down? Have you gone through the body scanners or metal detectors without problems with your CGM?
I have gone through the scanners with no issues at all. The last time I wore a skort and had the sensor on my thigh. I explained to the TSA screener what it was and showed her she had me brush my hand against it and then scanned my hand. It was not big deal at all. I now have the omnipod pump and am not sure how the TSA agents will be with that but as a general rule if you explain what it is and what it is for, they usually just let you through. Or at least that has been my experience.
I fly quite often, and my experience has been: Whether or not you get a hard time from the TSA depends on the airport, and even the TSA individuals. I have a typed letter from my doctor's office stating I should not go through the fully body scanner as it could damage the sensor on my Dexcom. I have gone through the scanner once and it didn't damage my sensor. I had already been wearing the sensor for a week and I wasn't too concerned. Usually I just tell the TSA I can't go through the scanner, I pull my insulin pump out of my pocket and they do the hand swab. I've only had the pat-down a few times. Most of the time it's a breeze and no big deal. However, there was one time I felt like I was being harassed. It was at the Palm Beach, FL airport. The TSA agent asked if I would like the pat-down "in private", as they would have to do a full pat down of areas considered to be "sensitive and private". I told the agent I would prefer to have the pat-down out in the open, as the woman made me feel very uncomfortable. I found the pat-down to be excessive, and more than a pat-down. I filed a complaint after that particular trip (september 2012). I have flown approximately 2-3 times a month since and have only been patted down once since.
If the scanner picks up the pod and/or dex, and it doesn't always, they swab my hands and send me on my way. No problems with my equipment after. I don't carry a letter from my doc as I think my name on the scrip label on my insulin bottle should cover that.
I've never had an issue. I've put things in the xray machines sometimes, and other times I hold it in my hands while in the full body scanner. Nothing has gone wrong, and they've never questioned it.
I always just asked for the pat down, sometimes they would ask me why, sometimes they wouldn't.
Since I got my G4, it's been the same, I just point it out for them if I end up having to get a pat down. I always put my receiver in the x-ray machine, and have had no issues.
I was worried once I started on a pump this year (because I was certain it would set off the metal detector, which I am always happy to go through) but I just stick it in my underwear and the metal detector never goes off! They don't even know about it!
I am going to Heathrow this August and am not looking forward to that, because I have heard bad stories about London agents forcing you to put your pump through the x-ray machine... but I will not let them do that!
I am sure you'll be fine, but this is my recommendation if you are worried: Get there well in advance. Be polite, but firm. If you actually run into a problem, try to go to a different security checkpoint. That has always been my backup plan, because as STLBecky pointed out: it's often just the TSA individual that is the issue!
I ask to be Checked by a person. It does t take much longer and I just don’t feel good about the gadgets and all the tech.
I read and have experienced slight but significant insulin.increases during take off and landing, enough to cause lows more than once. The arrival, in Diabetes Self Management, advised to suspend pump during take off and again at landing. Maybe it’s air pressure change…have a good trip!
For those concerned about Europe: I've flown in and out of Heathrow many times over the past year to various European destinations wearing both the G4 and my Omnipod. The walk-through body scanners have never noticed them and I put the Omnipod PDM and G4 receiver in the tray through the x-ray and haven't had any problems with security or any effect on the technology. When I've inadvertently left a phone or my receiver in my pocket, the body scanner picks that up and they scan those and give me a pat down. I always tell them before they start that I'm wearing an insulin pump and they check it with the handheld scanner. So far I haven't explained the CGM (such new technology) and make sure it's placed fairly near the pump so they assume it's part of that system. I also now tell the x-ray scanner that one of my carry-on bags is a "medical bag": it has never been searched. I carry a letter from my hospital but have never been asked to show it. The rule of thumb is politeness and respect for these civil servants as we all know they could make things pretty difficult. Hope this allays any concerns.
I always walk through the scanners after one time telling them I had an Insulin Pump. I have walked through with a Cozmore pump, Animas Ping and Omnipod with never an ill affect.
I have not gone through with a G4 yet, so glad to hear that it isn't affected either.
The first time I went through with my first pump, the Cozmore (no longer made) I told the person that I need a pat down. They found the pump, they had to get me to pull it out of my pants, where I had it on an Invisi-Pump which I still use today. I got dusted down, told it is ok and left. Way too much trouble. So I now just walk through act normal and say nothing. The detectors have never gone off...up to now that is.
I also travel constantly. Recently I went to the US Customs and received a "Trusted Traveler" card and a "Global Entry" Card.
The line for Trusted Traveler is always shorter, and you do not have to take your shoes or coat off.
And it is very rare for them to give you a hard time.
Saturday I went through the millimeter wave scanner in San Juan Puerto Rico and while it didn't even notice the Dexcom sensor/transmitter it did pick up on the plastic tube of glucose tablets I had in my pocket.
I agree with your assessment about being polite and respectful. All of the agents I've ever dealt with in the US and Europe have been professional. I think people get themselves into trouble by expecting some sort of confrontation after reading horror stories on the internet.