
I am leaning on it being a little of both job and Lantus after reading these post. It has gotten a bit harder with the cold coming which might be due to the fact that you burn more calories when its cold to keep your core temp up. And the crashes are worse when I make a point of helping the forklift guys unload, getting the lighter freight out of the cans and forcing out the heavier ones to the ground (I have been reminded that “we have forks to get those” but have also been referred to as the human forklift plus a mile and a half walking each night. I tend to be impatient at work don’t like to sit still(Ritalin as a kid). Looking back the one night I left my Lantus at home(panic) I did well through out the night. I would consider the pump but worried about the cost my mother has enough prescribed to her that I haven’t had to spend much out of pocket and money is super tight atm (heck she gets enough that I have been able to help out a friend who doesn’t have insurance.)