Fun with Financial Aid

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There is no feeling quite like the one when you get your financial aid award letter and sign yourself into another 5 figures of debt. Our financial aid award letters for medical school were due 01 June. I went into the med school office on 30 May to ask what I should do since I don’t have it. They said she would call over and figure it out. A week goes by…

It would be a big deal except we are waiting to sign a rent contract (which runs out in 14 days) until we know our financial situation better. We haven’t really even looked because they are on the market for only days a a time. To make everything more fun my wife pry won’t have a paid internship next year, Squirt will have $300+/month in daycare, Batman has school and all the related expenses, two dogs, two car payments, electricity, gas and food. Food isn’t that big of a deal except my wife has to eat a dairy, gluten, soy, cheese, strawberry, tomato and egg free diet in addition to my egg allergy and diabetic diet. Medical expenses include insulin and pump supplies, well baby visits and the normal sick child visits. Gonna be an interesting ride to get 4 people though a year. Since my wife won’t be a full time student she won’t receive any loan money plus as she is an out of state student her tution/fees costs are very high, which will have to come out of pocket this year.

People say it’ll get better in the future. Yes it will, but have you ever tried providing for a family of 4 on $10,000 for the entire year? I haven’t and I’m sure as hell not looking forward to it…

SuFu, Ph.D.

SuFu I have and believe me it is not fun. You come up with very creative ideas on how to make things work…

I feel you on this who financial aid stuff. My school is usually on top of getting our papers pushed through but not this summer they are way slow and I just had to go up there today to get any info because they never answer the phone God willing this goes through before the 21st or I will have to front the cost till pell sends me a refund for what I pay. I have one hell of a schedule this yr and not to happy with it myself going to have to find the time to eat and sleep between work and studying I have 6 classes and a lab so yeah good bye sleep and hello coffee!!

Pretty much. Only $48,824 for next year…