Hashtags in many languages

Not sure how to start this post. I’m a T1D from the US living in Japan. It’s been an amazing journey so far, and I’ve learned so much over the past months. One of my goals has been to connect with other T1Ds living in Japan. I’ve struggled to meet other T1Ds face to face so far, but that won’t keep me from pursuing my goal (other goals include getting my A1C to 5.5, reducing my lows, etc).

I’ve recently taken my diabetes to Instagram as a way to connect with other Type 1s living in Japan. The first post was instant gratification, but as I started to read other posts in Japanese, I realized something- many Japanese people do not use the #t1d hashtag!

So I thought of something bigger, why not have a list of hashtags in English with translations in multiple languages. If you’re a Twitter or Instagram user, post what you know and share it. I’ll try to compile a nice list T1D related hashtags in as many languages as you can provide!

This would be a great way to reach out to other T1Ds from other countries.

Note- still trying to figure out the format. Please add the hashtag symbols as they are causing an error with the type format :slight_smile:

The List

English / Japanese

  • Common T1D Related Hashtags
  • t1d typeonediabetes type1diabetes (etc)
  • 一型糖尿病 1型糖尿病 1型糖尿病 IDDM
  • More specific T1D Hashtags
  • dawnphenomenom = 暁減少
  • Lowcarb / Lowsugar = ローカーボ #低糖質
  • LowGI = 低GI

More to come later. Still a work in progress.
Submit your translations if you’d like, I’ll try my best to include them!

Thank you, Peter, for doing this!

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