The first day or 2, the sensor can be off more, particularly during the high/low ranges. This is because it doesn't have enough history of the calibrations.
I tend to do MORE calibrations on the first 2 days, especially when it's higher or lower than what it should be. Or if I see that it is rising quickly, and I check my BG and know that it is not, then I'll enter a calibration and often the rise on Dexcom will correct itself within 10-15 min.
If it continues to be off, then you might try to do 3 calibrations within 10-15 minutes, as sometimes that will help it get back on track.
Some sensors are better than others, and some locations are better than others.
If it went to LOW, and then just stopped itself, you should contact Dexcom support, as they may replace the sensor. Typically you would get an error or ??? if the receiver is unable to communicate with the sensor. Possibly static caused it to shut down, and may be the cause of incorrect readings ?