Helping Angels Unaware

I came across this story/poem in a bulletin on my myspace page.
I love it!
I was just saying to someone the other day that what goes around comes around and I truly believe this.
Sooner or later the good or the bad that you do will catch up with you.

It was a rainy night in New Orleans at a bus station in the town,
I watched a young girl weeping as her baggage was taken down.
It seems she’d lost her ticket changing buses in the night.
She begged them not to leave her there with no sign of help in sight.

The bus driver had a face of stone and his heart was surely the same.
“Losing your ticket’s like losing cash money,” he said, and left her in the rain.

Then an old man stood up and blocked the driver’s way
and would not let him pass before he said what he had to say.

"How can you leave that girl out there?
Have you no God to fear?
You know she had a ticket
you can’t just leave her here where she doesn’t have a friend.
You will meet your schedule, but what will come of her in the end?"

The driver showed no sign that he’d heard or even cared
about the young girl’s problem or how her travels fared.
So the old gentleman said, “For her fare I’ll pay.
I’ll give her a little money to help her on her way.”
He went and bought the ticket and helped her to her place
and helped her put her baggage in the overhead luggage space.

“How can I repay?” she said. "The kindness you’ve shown tonight?
We’re strangers who won’t meet again a mere ‘thank you’ doesn’t seem right."

He said, “What goes around comes around.
This I’ve learned with time – What you give, you always get back.
What you sow, you reap in kind.
Always be helpful to others and give what you can spare,
for by being kind to strangers, we may help angels unaware.”

What a wonderful poem. I’m sending to all on my email list. I love Kenny G. I had his song “The Wedding Song” played instead of the traditional wedding march at my wedding in 1994. Take care. Sandy

Go right ahead Sandy. :slight_smile:
Yes, I really like Kenny G. too, his music just makes me close my eyes and dream! How beautiful having his song for your wedding!