How I Feel About My Doctor

OMG so happy right now! After over a week of calling and not being able to get through to my primary doctor's office, I finally got through. when I told them I needed to make an appointment with Dr Burnette:

"She's no longer with us."
"Oh, really? Well, can I make an appointment to see another doctor?"
"Sure, let's see who's available..."

Thanks for letting me know my doctor doesn't work there anymore..and thanks to the doctor for just up and abandoning me...Believe it or not, I am so happy to have lost Burnette, she wasn't my favorite doctor. In any case, I was able to make an appointment to see a doctor tomorrow morning. I will be getting this lesion looked at (the same one on my leg that still hasn't healed after two months) and a referral to start seeing an endocrinologist again.

WOOT! SO happy!

Sorry for the discourtesy you experienced (which, sadly, is pretty normal), but I'm glad you get to have a fresh start with someone new.

The best departure I ever experienced was when our dentist of long standing retired. He sent every patient a formal letter announcing his retirement, naming the new person taking over the practice, and inviting everyone to an open house so they could say goodbye and meet the new dentist. Now that was classy.

And when we got there, every square inch of counter space was covered with cookies, cake, candy . . . when we reached him in the reception line I asked, "drumming up business??"

That is nice, and sadly, rare. I have had many a doctor I was sad to lose, and many I felt neither here nor there about. I am glad to say that I have only come across two or three doctors in my long life of frequent medical visits that I absolutely did not like.

I think I'll be upset when my doctor retires or if he leaves, while he's kinda brief and doesn't talk much...he's a type 1 and very understanding and wants to help me all he can and I can tell that much ...but I understand this anyway because I got set up with a psychiatrist that had a long list of bad reviews online and she quit a week before my appointment, I found relief in that lol. Crisis averted sorta. I might need one after my latest ordeal though because I'm having a hard time coping with something (will give my psychologist a chance to help me out next week though) .