How Would You Eat An Oreo?

Richard, you should really try an Oreo… there’s not much difference between the sugarfree cookies and the real thing… the carb counts are about the same…I too was eating the sugarfree until my CDE brought this to my attention and told me “if you’re going to have a cookie you might as well enjoy it!” Portion control is the key… I don’t eat them as often as I used to, but I sure do enjoy them!

Richard - there are sugar free oreos out now - go try a couple!

Well I don’t think much of this being a good indicator of personalities, but it is fun.

I would be a 5, 2, and 6 depending on my mood.

I am number 1 but I live life like number 3 with the exception of driving slow :slight_smile:

Hmmm I’m a 6.

I thought this was serious, and then as I was reading my “personality”, I thought “How can this be?” I’m a 6