Humalog to Novolog question

Is the dual wave the extended bolus or is the square wave? Also, I exercise a lot and I am a personal trainer, so I do use my workouts to get my BGs down as well....I also like the temp basal, so I don't go too low ; )

I have a Dexcom seven and I notice right after I eat (30-60 mins) I skyrocket up to 200 and I feel tired and out of it....any suggestions?? It has been coming down at 2 hours now, but I don't like being that high even for a little bit. The nudge bolus as mentioned that given as early as 30 mins after eating?

i do the same thing - peak at the 30 - 60 mark and I low carb, about 40/day. i'm on MDI's still, waiting to get on a pump. I had a discussion with my endo yesterday about this, he told me the short acting insulins are all the same, they all act the same, there's not any evidence one peaks quicker, slower than any other, it just depends on when and what you're eating. he also stated 1 hour peaks don't do damage (don' t know about that..) but I too seem to get very tired when it happens, but I usually drop back to a good, normal 2 hr ppl. i wanted to try Aprida as I've heard it peaks quicker and leaves body quicker too, he again stated, "they're all the same." Everyone peaks after they eat, even non diabetics. For those who somehow don't peak on here, even at the 30 - 60 minute mark, I don't understand this? There's no way to time the insulin exactly to when the food will actually hit the system. Maybe it's different on the pump. I also don't understand doing corrections at 120???

My experience is that novolog and humalog are quite different, for example.
The only way to check is to try: the same insulin has different timings on different people.
I'm sure about this. Tell your doctor you wanna try and if they are all the same, why not even try ?
To "time insulin exactly to when the food will actually hit the system" you have to bolus minutes before: how much you have to discover through test and measures.

People which correct a 120 aim to "normality": it's good for them but don't worry, there are different feelings about being so "normal" , and being in MDI doesn't help.

ya know...I AGREE with you. I'm angry he said this..I does he know..of course, everything about this disease is individual and I would imagine insulin is too. I didn't do well with Lantus, do better with levemir, others are the exact opposite. I'm going to see someone else next week, found a great place..and will ask to try was discussed earlier, my insurance will pay for it, so...I (WE) should have the OPTION(s) to try it, if it works better, then great, if least I'll know.

Thanks for your reply...appreciate it! Hope this helps you too, Megan, maybe you could think or discuss using another fast acting? Good luck!

Type 1 Gal.....I think your Endo hasn't been doing their home work! There is a difference in short acting insulin. Granted, it may seen negligible. But, none the less, I sure see a difference. Has the Endo tried them all? :) Seems to be a rather stubborn opinion on their part in my book

OH..I agree..don't get me started on HIM..whom I'm done with! thanks!

I do peak, no matter how much I pre-bolus, do combo/square waves, or whatever. I'm one of those who corrects at 120. My target is 90.