Hypoglycemia, Confusion and Survival

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I go low (hypoglycemic) the body is lacking in a nutrient that it needs to stay stable and operational and that within this all focus within the body is going to keeping alive, working to get sugar from something within the body, in this going into survival mode wherein anything that is not of immediately priority to the body such as any information at that point is going to be disregarded - hence the lack of concentration - because there is no energy within the body to assist storing that information because there is a lack of sugar within the blood stream and thus a lack of energy being given to each cell within the body, thus not able to use the energy to learn or understand because it is not an immediate priority to the body within the moments of hypoglycemia and thus as the body is hypoglycemic it is not going to store any more information within the body because a lack of energy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as I go low, the body sweating is an indication that it is working hard to stay stable as it can, and that as the body is working hard and I try and concentrate within the mind and thoughts - there is a conflict going on within the body and myself within the mind and that as I participate in the mind within fighting with the body to concentrate on information and/or knowledge I am causing the body to use more energy and deplete itself and that within this the best thing for me to do in that moment is to drop all want or need to learn and/or understand material and focus on the body and giving it what it needs to continue to stay stable within the physical reality in the context of operation, and so within this I commit myself to letting go of any knowledge or information that I am processing in that moment and to focus on supporting the body by/as eating a form of sugar, assisting the body by giving it the energy that it needs without attempting to use more energy in the processing of information and in this relaxing here with the body until there is an efficient amount of sugar within the blood stream to continue to focus on processing information

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself in sweating when I am hypoglycemic, not giving myself the opportunity to realize or see what the sweating of the body is indicating that it is going through, but only wanting to avoid the stigma of being sweaty in public - focusing on a point of nothingness (stigma) over a point of indication of the body in what it is going through (sweating), and that in this to not realize how much a single point of judgment will cloud the realization of what the physical is and what it is going through

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being able to concentrate when I am low and process information through the senses when I am hypoglycemic - fighting with the body over control for concentration on a point and in this not realizing that the low is far outweighing the concentration within the mind because it is a `losing battle` from my stand point because the concentration is absolutely dependent on the state of the physical and without the physical having the nutrients it needs any fight for concentration or control within/as the body is going to be futile, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not stand equal to the body within being hypoglycemic by taking a break from anything that I am doing and sitting for a bit - giving the body time and nutrients that it needs to `restore` it's stable state, not fighting with it for control within concentration, but standing equal with it in providing the body what is needs to continue operating efficiently in the physical reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when hypoglycemic the body is in survival mode and attempting to rush support to the points that need the energy to stay stable here in the physical and that in this any point that is not of utmost necessity in that moment such as knowledge or information is disregarded by the body because it does not have the energy needed to effectively process that information and thus as I sit in class and try to process information while hypoglycemic and I am worried about the concentration, it is futile to fight with the body to process this information and that the best thing for me and the body within that moment is to take a break, eat a source of sugar and be patient as the body then distributes an efficient amount of energy throughout the body to support itself in its entirety so that I and the body are able to focus on the processing of information as it removes itself from survival mode and back into a stable state where it does not need to work excessively hard to stay stable here in the physical - hence the lack of sweating as the body returns to efficient sugar levels

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fret and fear about the lack of concentration that exists as I become hypoglycemic instead of effectively understanding the body within hypoglycemia and the processes that it is going through at that time - allowing myself to best support the body within what it needs within understanding the processes that it is going through and what the body needs in that moment, in this not fretting or fearing the lack of concentration that exists but standing equal and one to myself within it as the body within taking time to stop and relax here with the body to remove any extra (unnecessary) stress that I am putting on the body and consume a form of sugar and wait patiently here in breath with the body until it is again stable within the nutrients (sugar) that it needs to be efficiently operational within the process of information and again concentrate on secondary priorities (eg. Knowledge and information) without the immediate priority of survival taking over the body and all the processes that it goes through

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the brain requires sugar just like the rest of the body and that if there is a lack of sugar/energy within the body (hypoglycemia) then the brain is not able to function properly and that within this any information that is being processed or any memorization that needs to be processed is going to be severely limited due to the lack of energy that the brain has to function effectively and that within this stems a point of lack of concentration and a lack of being able to process or retain or recall any information stored within the body

I commit myself to when/as I become hypoglycemic in any event to take a moment to myself and the body in equality and oneness to best be able to support the body within returning to efficient operating levels

I commit myself to relaxing when I am hypoglycemic and be here with the body in breath and the processes that it is going through, stopping myself from fighting with the body over the processing of information and walking with the body in equality and oneness to best support myself and the body to again return to normal operating levels to best be able to walk in this reality

I commit myself to stop fighting with the body within attempting to concentrate on information and knowledge and relax when I am hypoglycemic, being patient with myself and the body until it processes enough sugar from foods that I eat to return to normal operating efficiencies

I commit myself to understanding the body and the processes that it goes through and stop judging what the body is, so that I am able to best support the body without the veils that exists in the mind from judgment or fears, and within this giving the body the best support from myself through the understanding of the processes that the body goes through within hypoglycemia or any other process that the body goes through

Yes, I'm on the fan list too. I doubt I had such insight at such a young age.