I have coronary artery disease

thanks for saying.

In fact Iā€™ve come to realize you CAN get enough of a good thing, i.e. omega 3. I developed a problem with bleeding. Even a tiny scratch on my nose would drip blood down on my clothes and would not stop unless I put a compress on it. At that point I went from either eating sardines or salmon every day, to eating them three days a week. The bleeding stopped.

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I now canā€™t believe I actually figured everybody would know S/S meant signs and symptoms for objective/subjective. More accurately, what happened was real fast typing and I didnā€™t think about it. Itā€™s part of assessment. I am so sorry to have not written it out the first of about out ten times.

But candidly, supposing you had to write out everything long hand each time yould be there all day and never write anything. For insatnce, Des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin (DCP), a common LFT (liver function test) formerly known as PIVKA II used to Ddx (diagnose) or R/o (rule out) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). One would be at the keyboard all day. Instead you type DCP lab to R/o HCC and everybody in a medical field would get the drift. This is particularly useful for bad spellers like me.

Aside, I always found the edict in clinical training to simplify, simplify, simplify to Pts (patients) and never use ā€œbig wordsā€ insulting and patronizing. So one is taught to say blood clot not thrombus or blood clot that moves instead of emboli, or whatever. . . My favorite example of this, and I use it all the time, is the depersonalized term ā€œconsultandā€ for the patient rather than write something even less kind. Anyway, sorry. At least the price is right, free.

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thatā€™s hysterically funny. i never heard of it. i got indigestion just reading that but canā€™t take any of the drug class of PPI (proton pump inhibitor) myself. good lord.

Well, to be fair, several people did know what it means; when I didnā€™t, I asked. No worries.

I really appreciate your comments given your obvious knowledge. Iā€™m even more grateful for yours and so many otherā€™s expression of solidarity.

Sally, I didnā€™t get this news until about a month ago. I had suspicions but I was secretly hopeful for a much better result.

Fish tacos are wonderful but Iā€™ll likely change that fish taco salad to suit my new ā€œno grainsā€ commitment.

I will have to learn to be more measured in my view of doctors. Itā€™s hard to know who to trust and who not to trust. Yeah, I think 2nd opinions are a good idea.

By the way I just a great first face-to-face meetup today with another member Iā€™ve known from TuDiabetes for many years. I wonā€™t use her name to honor her privacy unless she wants to write about it here. I felt such resonance talking to someone else who truly does know what itā€™s like to swim in our diabetic skin. Three hours went by in a flash!

Yeah, I agree. When we first moved here 30 years from Chicago and we saw fish tacos at the county fair, we had the same reaction. Yuck! But once we tried them because you have to try something strange, weird when you go to a fair. We fell in love with fish tacos. One of our favorites is a Baja California original, that is a fast food place. Whenever you get to San Diego, fish tacos are a must, along with all the other fun stuff to do around here!

Maybe if we all attend the retreat next year, we can all get together. We could have our own little party!

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I see the wisdom in that. Iā€™ve planned a tour of Scotland for next April. When death takes me, I hope it will be mid-stride!

To my thinking, fish and seafood is all off the menu as a vegan who is a bad T1 eating 75% of my calories from carbs. I get 80 g a day of fiber in whole food. I liked fish when I ate dead animals but couldnā€™t imagine killing a fish or eating a dead animal any more. Not to mention the contamination therein, I donā€™t consider it health-promoting. Fish have the same pain receptors and pain-related molecular mechanisms as we do. So, to my moral compass it is rudely objectionable, otherwise called murder, when there are plenty of other things I can eat like some beans instead and let the fish stay in their own little habitat rather than stacked up little dead carcasses in a display case at Whole Foods for $17.99 a pound.

I am not recommending w-3 to anybody here. Of course, there are rare bad reactions to most anything possible, in somebody somewhere, including placebo, nocebo, and psychogenic-origin responses. I never trivialize the role of mind.

Iā€™m pretty sure my fate will be, ironically, to ā€œgoā€ from the wrong medical treatment of something ordinary thatā€™s treated wrongly-- a medical mistake. I think thatā€™s the third leading cause of death. I imagine the last thing I hear is ā€œhis lips are blueā€ and Iā€™ll have serum osmolality >430 and nobody noticed as the nurses at the station sit around complaining to each other about life, and telemetry had to go to the toilet. Then they code you and give up. As they wheel the carcass to downstairs, thatā€™s it, and nobody knows me or cares. It all seems to have gone by so fast, looking back.

That makes me an optimist.


Diabetes complications are of two sorts: the long miserable ones where death is far away but some might wish it were closer and then cardiac disease and stroke where death can be surprisingly quick. Of the two, I would prefer the quick death to the slow, since both dialysis and blindness have always terrified me most.

I have been legally blind and alive for 36 years. I would definitely pick that combination over being sighted and dead. No question.

I think most people are only terrified of blindness because of their wild imaginings about what it must be like to live as a blind person. Once they find out that those imaginings donā€™t bear any resemblance to todayā€™s reality, it becomes much less terrifying.


what a beautiful buddy!

Ever consider Plant based LF eating?lots of evidence it can help CAD and amazing for helping manage BG!

Reagan too! T1D 48 years. Never felt better. And fish has just as much saturated fat as MEAT! Bring on the bens and grains!

Can you cite sources for this?

A couple years ago I looked into whether a vegan diet had scientific evidence to back up all those claiming it had health benefits. I wasnā€™t able to find anything other than books like The China Study that had, apparently, had flawed data analysis and documentaries that definitely had a biased presentation of data.

I could find a fair bit of scientific evidence that low-carb did help with health, both thoroughly-researched books about the topic and reams of peer-reviewed studies. So thatā€™s the diet I went with.

I also believe @Terry4 has been asking for BG graphs from people who are following a vegan diet saying that itā€™s amazing for BG control. I would also be very interested in seeing such graphs.

Since I already canā€™t eat dairy or eggs and donā€™t eat red or processed meat, it would not take much for me to switch to a fully vegan diet if there were evidence out there that it could help BG and overall health.

So far, based on my experience, my personal evidence strongly points to a low-carb diet as the one being superior for BG management.

It sure would be nice to know for sure which diet would produce the best long-term outcomes!

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No, Iā€™ve never given that serious consideration. One of my first requirements of any way of eating is that I want excellent blood glucose results without taking large quantities of insulin. I believe in the law of small numbers; fewer carbs = less insulin = smaller mistakes. I mostly take small doses of meal insulin rarely over three units. My total daily dose of insulin, basal + bolus, ranges from 23-28 units.

Many of the plant-based diet proponents think there is such a thing as ā€œhealthy whole grains.ā€ I donā€™t buy that for a variety of reasons. I do share the plant-based way of eatingā€™s emphasis of eating whole foods and avoiding food with an ingredient list. I donā€™t think fats, with the exception of trans-fats and vegetable oils, are the villain that some make them out to be.

Iā€™d love to see the CGM graphs of someone who eats this way along with the insulin dosing size and timing. Iā€™m skeptical that the blood glucose control is nearly as good as eating low-carb, high fat. I could be wrong, but Iā€™ve yet to see anyone post 24-hour blood glucose graphs.

Here are the last three days of my blood glucose traces. Do you think I could do this on a whole foods plant based vegetarian/vegan diet? I eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy, vegetables, nuts, and berries. I have a bowl of chia pudding almost every day. I eat twice per day and do not feel hungry between meals. If I miss a meal, my blood sugar remains steady.

Now I realize that there are other successful ways to eat than the way I do. As a type 1 diabetic, I have a hard time wrapping my head around eating hundreds of grams of carbs per day and maintaining glucose metabolic sanity.

Anyway, thank you for joining in the conversation. I know I donā€™t have all the answers; I try to keep an open mind.

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I think you already know what the scientific answer to that question, based on evidence not opinion, and itā€™s vegan or nearly vegan, called plant-based whole food. Whole food means the olive is OK but not (or not much) olive oil. It also means no processed food, fast food, or junk food. But let us remember vegan diet can be terrible if all you ate was potato chips and tufu since that is clearly not a healthy combo for 99% of your calories. So vegan diets can be terrible. A good vegan diet is optimal. In other words, a diet devoid of animal products or for the most part only scarce cheating or exceptions.

An exception I would make would be at a birthday party for a child and the cup cakes had a drop of butter, milk, or egg in it. I would shut up and eat it and not say a word. On the other hand I have not bought a stick of butter or had it in the house for years. I look at everything in the amount. I mean, consuming one molecule of egg in cake you made and brought to work in the break room isnā€™t much of a concern for me. But I am not going to order a 3 egg omelet cooked in butter for breakfast at a hotel.

I couldnā€™t care less what the AD(iabetes)A says who accepts big cash money from fast food and big dairy to let them write the policies for us. But people want to argue and donā€™t want to hear it. I refuse to debate it. So those eating bacon and smoking and choking down eggs and milk from another species as adults, go ahead and see if I care. . .

Actually no, I donā€™t know the answer. And since questions like mine for scientific backing tend to go unanswered, and since even my own searches of periodical databases have found scant studies, Iā€™m not at all convinced that a vegan diet has any health benefits. Of course, any diet can be terrible or great depending on how itā€™s done. Overall, the evidence Iā€™ve seen as well as personal experience, makes me lean strongly towards a low-carb diet as the healthier option, in particular for people with diabetes. But Iā€™m open to evidence towards a plant-based diet being healthier, as long as itā€™s peer-reviewed and not just anacdoral. I think there are probably plenty of people out there like me - genuinely interested in the science and health without having discussions dominated by opinions and emotions.