I Said Yes To The Dress! - Wedding Dress Shopping with Diabetes

I walked out of the smaller than normal dressing room. Wearing a dress that was unbelievably comfortable. Eyes of my “entourage” (AKA my bridesmaids, his mom, my mom, step mom and grandma) fall on me and follow the dress to the floor. “That is beautiful” I hear from mostly everyone. Then I look into the mirror. This.. is it. For the first time the entire long wedding dress shopping day I feel like this is the one I could walk down the aisle in. Tears were shed, conversations completed and vailes discussed. “Rate this dress from 1 to 10. 1 being NO and 10 being the dress you want to walk down the aisle in” …. 10

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Congratulations! What a happy time!

Congratulations! I picked out my wedding dress a few months back, and after being diagnosed with type 1 a few weeks ago, getting the call that my dress was in and that I could go see it again was a much-needed break from diabetes-land! Hooray for weddings! And pretty dresses! <3