If you use a mobility device (bit OT, if not allowed feel free to delete)

If this sort of off topic post is not allowed, I apologize.

I am an ambulatory walker/wheelchair user when in a POTS cycle. I stumbled upon this cool, free app the other day called Roll Mobility (here: https://www.rollmobility.com/).

It is a crowd-sourced map of accessible

  • or inaccessible - places for people with mobility issues.

I am all for anything that makes our lives even the smallest bit easier, and I’m sure there are plenty of us with mobility issues who might find this app useful, or fun to improve for others.

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I have a friend that lives in a wheel chair. He has SMA. He could benefit from something like that for sure. Thanks for sharing this. I hope you have a good day

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You’re welcome! I hope he is able to share it, too. I feel the more of us there are using and filling out the map, the better it will be for everyone.

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Thanks Ancient1der. I didn’t know about this website. I’ll check into it.

You’re welcome!