Im hungry,so I must be creeping low. But if I eat I might get high! this does get old

Im hungry,so I must be creeping low. But if I eat I might get high! this does get old.
Check blood sugar level by poking finger, figure out what to eat, consider carbs take a shot

Funny… I just wrote a blog post not 10 seconds ago bitching about how tired I am of managing my son’s diabetes. I hear you, my friend! It really, really DOES get OLD, fast!

it is a rough life and the harder you try to keep your bloodsugars normal the harder it is.

Even though we now have different delivery systems for insulin, INSULIN IS STILL NOT A CURE and I am tired of the same old same old as well

no kidding!

yeah it does get old…

I honestly think that’s the roughest part of this whole disease: the neverending day-to-day grind. Nothing is ever horrible, but it’s always just there and irritating.

Thanks for the comments, my insulin needs seem to vary due to so many variables, diet, injection site, north or south wind or color of leaves outside all I can say is I do the best I can

Ha! “color of leaves outside” made me giggle. You’re so right on that score!