In Shock

I got told in Dec I have hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, basically my ovaries have shut down and my doctor told me there is a slim chance I can every get pregnant, he said 5-10% chance I could. Well the last few weeks I have been having muscle spasms in my stomach that weren’t at all painful like cramps or anything. I finally bought a home pregnancy test today and it was positive, so I went to the local walk in clinic thinking it was a false positive, they did a blood test and it came up positive as well. I have already called my cardiologist, neurologist and gp about my meds to find out which ones I need to go off on and I see my OBGYN on Feb.11. The one advantage I have going for me is my A1C has been in the 5’s for a year so I am under tight control. I am just in shock right now from this. My pump trainer is going to get me some cgms censors until I can afford to buy some next month so I can keep tight control of my blood sugars. I am just shocked right now.

Congratulations! I hope this is a good shock?

WOW!!! what a shocker! Congratulations! Despite what doctor’s told you… you are blessed with this baby! Amazing. I hope your health remains good and under control these next 8-9 months.


Thanks everyone

OMG! Cody! Congratulations! I am SO happy for you!

Fantastic! Enjoy! & Continue to take great care of yourself!

Thanks everyone. I am going to see my ob gyn next week and will know more then about how far along I am. I have spent today calling all my doctors and finding out what medications I needed to quit taking.

Congratulations! There is no greater feeling than the first time you hold your baby in your arms. You can do it!

Congratulations! And yay for being under tight control too!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so glad for you. I remember when I was much younger (much!) and thought I was pregnant … what a wonderful feeling that is!!

A good lesson here … DRs don’t always know what they are talking about!!! YEAH!
Here’s to you showing them off!!

God bless you and the baby!

Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI

I’m so happy for you!

Congratulations and God bless!!! I just went to a baby shower tonight and it was so much fun. I can remember when I found out I was pregnant the first time. It is an awesome feeling. I can only imagine what it is like when you think you can’t get pregnant. God has blessed you!!! You are in my prayers for the duration!!!

Thats is so AWESOME Congratulations!!!

WOW, Cody! Talk about a “Miracle Baby”!! That’s awesome! The Lord will surely bless you, when you least expect Him to!! You’re doing all the right things! Keep it up, take GOOD care of YOU!! And, of course, keep us all updated! ;0)

Great news! Congrats!

OMG! How exciting for you Cody. :smiley: What a dream come true. Great, that you have been in the Good range sugar-wise. You’ll make a Wonderful Mommy. Best Wishes and God bless you and your Baby. :slight_smile:

Congrats!! that’s so awesome… AND it just goes to show you that Doctors don’t always know what they are talking about. LOL

Congratulations! I hope this is a good shock

Sounds almost like what happened to my mom. She had polycystic ovarian disease and they told her that after my older brother she wouldn't be able to have anymore kids. Then there was me, two more boys and my little sister. So four kids after she was told she wouldn't be able to get pregnant again. She definitely proved the Doc. wrong. Congratulations on the little one!