Hello, my name is John Groeneveld and I live in The Netherlands. All symptoms Kate reported in October 2007 about the Metronic insulin pump are familiar to me also. Have you in the mean time (you have wrote this article October 5th 2007) a solution for the inaccurate readings and unpleasant adhesive. I can read the sensor rather quickly but especially during the nights I get alarms of “low signal” even when the batteries are full and even when the distance between pump en sensors is less than 3 inches.
My only “good” remark to US customers is that the price of a sensor is $ 35.00 and in my country we pay about 50 Euros and you know probably that the value of the Euro is higher than of the dollar.
I appreciate a response because I am a new user starting beginning this year and I had already several accidents (1 almost fatal) because of low sugar levels. When you response send me an Email to john@mooring-tools.com