There’s usually an announcement near the beginning about how to skip over their long elaborate introductions, talking about what they’ve been doing, what they’re reading etc…I usually just fast forward right away to minute 15 to get right to the heart of the matter.
If this is the case, if I were you, I’d definitely want to research if such conditions are reversible before ruling in or ruling out the drug. Often, you can find that information on the drug insert, available (I’m sure) online in a PDF - ie, the fine tiny print. I’ve watched at least one patient testimonial on repatha on youtube.
Well, not sure how long it will be before I have to confront such a decision or if I will, I just mean that it must be tortuous to be in that in-between place. I’ve actually never given Repatha, and today was the first time I’ve given ezetimibe (Zetia) to a patient. I see that it’s been shown to reduce LP(a).
At this point, the cholesterol wars have muddled the waters so much (for me) - it all appears to be overly complicated and almost beside the point to me, like we’re just playing at the edges. At the same time, I am reluctant to acknowledge even that, because the standard of care is to take it if your cholesterol is above X. All of which is to say, I don’t know. I have my feelings, my suspicions, but I’m in no position either professionally or more important, personally, to really weigh in.
I will say, I have friends in their 70s who scoff and laugh at their doctors who tell them to take a statin. My parents (both of whom had some form of CV disease) were never prescribed statins or any cholesterol medication. My grandparents assuredly were not.
It happened so quickly that I wonder if they weren’t/aren’t actively monitoring the site for anti-cholesterol medication content, so bent are they in presenting a consistent message. I actually like these folks, and have learned a lot from their podcasts and some of their regular guests. But, they are young. Once I get a little break and have more energy, I’ll probably email the host about my disappointment. But I’m sure they just don’t want to fool around with any debate on the matter.
Well, Marilyn, all the best - and again, I hope you are able to listen to others and get the information you need in order to drive your care how you wish. It is so difficult to know what to do, and I sympathize.